To add to this wonderfull thread, why not also list your favorite thing to much on while enjoying a cold brew! Pork Skins anyone?
If you like Belgian-style witbiers, you should definitely pick up some Allagash White.
- Guiness
- Not necessary
fuck yes. the hot kind.
1a. Rogue, Brutal Bitter
1b. Stone, Arrogant Bastard (IPA is great too)
3. Dick’s, ESB
4, LaConner, IPA
5. North Coast Brewing, Red Seal Ale.
- Whatever’s free
- Whatever’s cheap
- Whatever’s cold
- Whatever’s close
- Whatever
What I drink really depends upon the season. I usually drink lighter, cleaner beer in the summer, and fall back upon darker, heavier ales and lagers in the winter. Since I move around so much these days and am a habitual sampler anyway, I’ll just list my 5 favorite styles of everyday beer I like to buy.
In no particular order:
1.) Kolsch or an acceptable Amber/blonde ale substitute
2.) Pilsener, Vienna lager, whatever’s lagered, fresh, clean, hoppy, and cold
3.) IPA/APA whichever in the region is hoppier
4.) Schwarzbier
5.) Porter
Honorable mention: Tripel
My favorite “lawnmower” beer in the summer is the infamous pilsener. Clipper City’s “Heavy Seas” Uber Pils is an awesome example of what I feel a good pils is: Crisp, hoppy, and refreshing. Bit heavy on the alcohol, though. The BMC brands are really missing the second quality that really makes a good pils, in my opinion. On colder days, I’d rather drink something like an Edmund Fitzgerald, Old Guardian, or Stone RIS.
As far as Leinie’s goes, the brand in general is okay, even if they are owned by one of the evil megacongolmerates. Their beers range from decent to downright stinkers. Their basic Red isn’t amazing, but is pretty good.
- Guinness
- Blue Moon (add a slice of Orange, yum)
- Anything by Saranac (I like Black Forrest)
- Rogue: Dead Guy Ale
- Heineken
I tend to favor draft over bottle, and microbrew over production. Some favored Micros, Lake Placed Brewing Co. Middle Ages Brewing, Syracuse Suds, etc.
As for food with Beer… Kettle Chips.
I tend to favor brown or blond ales, but I can never turn down a cold wheat beer when it’s hot. Hoegaarden is one of my favorites.
Here’s what I’m drinking the most these days.
- Old Speckled Hen
- Fat Tire, not my favorite but I get a great deal on cases.
- Bootlegger Brown by the Independance Brewery (local)
- Any Belgian or good American wheat beer. Sunshine Wheat is pretty good. Hoegaarden is better.
- Dos Equis Amber with a lime.
Dixie - Blackened Voodoo
Magic Hat - #9
Victory - Hop Devil
Anchor - Steam
River Horse - any
No meat, no beer? What the hell?
- North Coast Brewery “Red Seal” Ale
- Rogue River Brewery “Dead Guy” Ale
- Checkvar Pilsner
- Sierra Nevada, including all it’s seasonal beers, except the summer lager
- Guinness from a keg. Nothing else suffices.
I was going to throw in with Killians and Blackened Voodoo, too. Sometimes somebody offers some Sam Adams and I have yet to be disappointed, so I should probably get more of that. PBR is the prefered drink of my desperate times.
When I’m drinking with the wife we do get the Leinenkugels, they’re very fruity and clean, pretty nice. There’s also a Seadog Blueberry ale that’s pretty tasty.
I got some stuff the other day called Hairy Eyeball and it gave me a chuckle and creeped her out, so I had to get it and ultimately it’s pretty nasty. Does anybody have a suggestion of alternate uses for crappy beer? So far all I’ve got is shut up and pretend it’s Smithwicks.
Alcohol give you cancer. Its true
What doesn’t?
I’m hardly a connoisseur but hey.
- Leffe
- San Miguel
- Corona
- Becks
- Cobra
- Natural Bohemian
- Pabst Blue Ribben
- Budweiser
- Busch Light
- Natural Bohemian
- Trappist Rochefort
- Leffe
- Delirium Nocturnum (Noel is pretty good too)
- Chimay Red
- Sam Adams Cream Stout
So, having a favorite beer is like having a favorite woman to me.
Its arranged like this:
Sometimes I want different types. A thick girl, a skinny one, maybe one that’s tall or one that’s short.
To quote Fife Dog of A Tribe Called Quest: “I like 'em brown, yellow, puerto rican and hatian.”
Plus a few more in between. Likewise beer.
But there is, of course, a type that I could have whenever and all the time and be perfectly happy. So with that in mind this beer list is arranged according to the above measure.
- Pacifico or Negro Modelo
5)Magic Hat’s Fat Angel
You did that just to fuck with me, didn’t you?
- Duvel
- Chimay
- Westmalle Trippel
- Leffe ( blond & dark)
- Hoegaarden
…and about 500 more Belgian Beers, cheers
I didn’t.