Beer Necessities. Your Top 5. Consolidated.

Beer your soul. I know we did this shit like 2 weeks ago, but who wants to go sifting through a bunch of bullshit when you can do it all again with little effort?

So I couldn’t train yesterday, and became very bored. And what do young men turn to when they’re bored? Drugs, alcohol and women. But fuck drugs, they slowly chip away at your soul (marijuana is not a drug), and like 85% of women are whores. And seriously, where could you possibly find that elusive 15% on a wednesday night? Fuck knows.

I turned to alcohol. I was going to get some Mike’s, but I was feeling adventurous, and positive experiences with Dogfish Head, Sierra Nevada and some other shit made me want to sample other brews.

I was indecisive. I lingered in front of the refridgerators for about 20 minutes trying to decide what to get. The propieter was beginning to think to himself “what the fuck is this mootherfucker doing?”.

I decided to go with the Blue Moon. That belgian white ale shit was delicious, I thought.

Anyway, I went to pay for the shit.

-Yo, how old are you man?

-I’m 22, man. Why? The honeys say I look young, which is why I don’t get laid too often. At least that’s what I tell myself. Why do you ask?

  • Because you kept opening and closing the motherfucking fridge door and like it was summer and you were trying to cool yourself off with a breeze from the cooler. It’s only 60 degrees outside, motherfucker!

-Aiyo, chill out, man. I just started drinking beer a couple weeks ago, so I have a tough time deciding what to try next.

At this time Q - “I can’t believe that motherfucker said that shit” -dot tries to change the subject as the debit card machine does it’s magic.

-I’ve been hearing about that Leinenkugel’s shit alot recently. You holdin’?

-Yo fuck that shit, man. We don’t usually see many cats coming thru trying to sample that, so we just leave it alone.

-I see. Well, thank you.

And thus concludes another embarrassing exchange. That was like the 3rd one this week. Kid in a candy store complex?

Anyway, list your top 5 beers in order of goodness so that the next time I go to the liquor store, I don’t look like a donkey in the horses’ stable.

  1. Mike’s Hard Lemonade
  2. Sam Adam’s summer ale

I have little basis for comparison, so that’s all I got.

Did you just list a Hard Lemonade in a thread about beers?

Are we opening the door up for Zima and raspberry cidars as well?

Jesus 5 beers is like picking against my children. With a gun to my head:

No particular order, because it depends on my mood:

  1. Shinerbock
  2. Newcastle
  3. Yuengling Black and Tan
  4. Caffrey’s (fuck you Ireland and your export laws)
  5. Three Philosophers

find a better liquor store.

but here’s a quick run down of the top 5 beers i purchase the most, not necessarily my overall favorites, but beers you should be able to get anywhere*.

  1. Sunshine Wheat, New Belgium Brewing Co.
  2. Newcastle
  3. Shiner Bock
  4. Pacifico Claro. you can put lime in it if you really have to. i like it the way it is.
  5. PBR. sometimes you just have to go there.

i have a friend that works for AB that let me (made me) sample the new Bud Light Lime that just came out. i have to say, it wasn’t bad, pretty refreshing and tasty. not something i would buy but if you’re into to the beer + lime flavor you’d probably dig it.

*anywhere refers to somewhere besides a shitty convenience store.

edit: also what DMac said.

1 Caledonian 80-/-
2 Leffe Blond
3 Wytchwood Hobgoblin
4 Greene King IPA
5 Wytchwood Goliath

and Aspall Peronelle’s Blush Cider and blackcurrant for a special mention, not a beer but deserves a mention.still a

You have this ass backwards at 22 you should be concentrating on the 85% not the 15%

Shiner Bock? Wytchwood Hobgoblin?

I commend your taste gentlemen.

I need some clarification from The Question. Is this our top 5 everyday beer list, or top 5 all time? I don’t always feel I deserve to buy my absolute favorite beers.

Truthfully it’s because they’re all over $10.00 a six pack and that gets expensive pretty quickly.

  1. Pedigree.
  2. Old speckled hen
  3. Leffe blonde
  4. Guinness
  5. Perroni

Good inquiry. I’m thinking your top 5 everyday list. The stuff you come home to after a hard day from work. Not necessarily the novelty stuff, because some of that shit is going to be hard as fuck to get.

Possibly. But who wants to fuck whores? I would have to undo years of classical upbringing and expose myself to the harsh criticisms of over sexed young nymphomaniacs. Fuck that. Drink beer.

  1. Very Cold Beer
  2. Cold Beer
  3. Gift Beer
  4. Sale Beer
  5. More Beer

that’s what i went for. you should learn about the different varietals and types of beer out there. given that you’re into science and lab work, i’ll bet you could get some brewing kits and make some pretty good homebrews with little trouble.

that still something on my “to-do” list, maybe next winter i’ll give it a go.

Two of the cats that work in the lab with me brew their own beer. I won’t get into that shit, if I’m cooking in my basement, I’m making hard liquor. Because making/implementing distillation apparatus is bound to be more fun than brewing. Especially if I have white cane accessible.

Fucked up on rum, like pass the hard liquor
I’m not drunk, that’s how I walk, mister

Is this our top 5 everyday beer list, or top 5 all time? I don’t always feel I deserve to buy my absolute favorite beers.

That is a good question, because then you get into the DannyMac Cost to Taste Ratio ™ that I invented in college.

Suddenly you have to start including things like Busch Light, Natch, etc.

One day you will come to the realization that your classical upbringing was full fo shit and held you back, and that you have wasted opportunities. I would save you this pain young Padawan

Also harsh criticism can be turned into useful instructional.

Ponder this over a beer.

Sure, I could go bang some honeys and sell them O’s like Pat Sajak.
50 a pop, like here, have a peice of my soul, no need for payback
But my soul’s not for sale, I tell them cold.
With a price on it, it’s worth its weight in gold

Indeed. But what kind of beer should I be pondering it over?

How did you forget the best one of all

#1A+: Free beer

  1. Killian’s Irish Red
  2. Sierra Nevada
  3. Rolling Rock
  4. Bass Ale
  5. Labatts

But then again I haven’t had a beer in probably 10 yrs. or so…my list is probably quite outdated.

In no particular order, here are a few of my faves:

Samuel smith oatmeal stout
Corsendonk (I like the abbey brown ale)
Warsteiner (like the dark, like that hefe)
I’ve got a bottle of a really good hefe at home I’ll try to post up later
Yuengling is my favorite domestic lager

Really though the stuff I drink is so varied - I really don’t drink very often these days so I generally drink good stuff. I had an excellent ale this weekend but don’t remember the name of it.

  1. Sol
  2. Strongbow (ok, so I guess its not technically a beer)
  3. Corona
  4. Guiness
  5. Magners (another not-beer)
  1. Spaten Optimator
  2. Hoegaarden
  3. Trois Pistoles
  4. Sam Adams
  5. New Castle

First off Q… did you try a slice of orange in the Blue moon? I beleive thats how traditionally served, with a slice of orange. Its very good on a hot summer day.

Beer in order of what I buy most often

  1. Bud Light
  2. Guiness
  3. Pabst Blue Ribbon
  4. Olympia
  5. Grolsch (Im dutch mother fuckers!)