beatdowns that made you really satisfied

I wonder how long it takes this guy to come up with this stuf LOL
he probably gets a post starting and writes down stuff he thinks of then leave the post by it’s self for a while or maybe he is creative
kinda funny
in a weird way

G-d destroying the egyptians with the 10 plagues and then killing them all in the red sea, rape-fucked those jew-murdering pieces of fucking shit. persians strong-fucking the babylonians, raped those jew-murdering pieces of fucking shit. jews annihilating the amalekites after hanging the shit out of haman and his 10 sons, fucking murdered those fucking lowlife jew-haters. jews killing the midianites. jews killing the canaanites, fucking annihilated those fucking idolaters. david strong-fucking goliath. murdered that steroids-injecting piece of fucking shit. those hired turkish assassins strong-murdering those armenian terrorists. raped those fucking camel-fuckers. shaul hamelech ass-raping the amalekites. Hashem strong-fucking sodom and gemorrah.

I think someone just watched Inglorious Bastards.

that gnat power-fucking titus ha rasha. drunk limo driver owning the terrorist dodi al fayed. boom boom mancini beating the slit-eyed dog-eater duk koo kim to death. mercer nearly killing the steroids-cheater morrison. the affirmative action nigger ape bentt murdering the lowlife steroids-cheater piece of aids-infected shit morrison. goat-fucking jew-murdering terrorist jordanian army massacring their fellow goat-fucking jew-murdering terrorist palestinians in Black September. shimshon billy-fucking the plishtim. israelites murdering bilaam ha-rasha. shmuel hanavi billy-fucking agag. Hashem torturing jesus constantly in hell. the fat cannibal mark hunt murdering the ape-looking ugly-as-fuck wanderlei silva. that piece of shit who gave rava bad dream interpretations getting his ass literally torn apart. moshe raping that mitzri overseer who was beating the shit out of that israelite, fucking murdered that jew-beating piece of garbage. Hashem constantly torturing bilaam and titus harasha in hell. the slit-eyed dog-eater choi barrel-fucking the piece of shit lowlife cocksucking lowlife piece of fucking shit dave herman. those cops beating the shit out of that affirmative action nigger ape in new orleans. that cop beating the absolute shit out of that affirmative action nigger ape who tried to grab his ballsack. federal government owning timothy mcveigh. those cops tasing the shit out of that iranian terrorist student at ucla. those cops tasing the shit out of that “don’t tase me bro” kike. christians owning the shit out of the muslims in lebanese civil war. england kicking the shit out of the spanish armada, owned those fucking jew-murdering spanish pieces of man-worshiping idolater shit.

jack ruby killing the communist lowlife lee harvey oswald. oswald killing jfk. ellenberg raping the shit out of the piece of shit condit in the first round, fucking murdered that lowlife cocksucker, knocked him out about 8 times by my count in that round alone.

tyson griffin murdering the steroids cheater franca. moshe killing og melech habashan. Hashem killing sancheriv’s entire army. gassed those lowlifes. Hashem killing the faggot lowlife piece of shit sherwin wine in a car crash. owned that fucking faggot lowlife cocksucking piece of shit, burn in hell for all eternity wine you fucking scumbag. justin eilers raping the affirmative action nigger cheating dirty ape mike kyle. rightfully raped that fucking cheating, dirty fighter. raped that fucking affirmative action nigger ape dirty fighter. burn in hell for all eternity kyle you fucking nigger piece of fucking cheating piece of fucking dirty ape piece of fucking shit.

ernest hemingway killing his disgusting self. klitschko murdering arreola for 10 rounds. raped that fat coward quitter. raped that fucking ugly-as-sin pussy quitter. raped that fucking piece of fucking ugly-as-sin dogshit. burn in hell for eternity arreola you fucking coward pussy quitter ugly-as-sin piece of shit. dr. d absolutely murdering the lowlife piece of shit john stossel. fucked that lowlife up. wish he would have killed him. guy mezger and allistair overeem knocking the coke-addict white trash lowlife fuck liddell down. burn in hell for all eternity liddell you fucking piece of shit. die soon please.

bas rutten knocking the coke-addict lowlife piece of shit ricco rodriguez the fuck out. burn in hell rodriguez for all eternity. le banner knocking jimmy ambriz the fuck out. the steroids cheater affirmative action nigger ape roid jones murder/death/killing the handwrap tampering cheating nigger ape trinidad. murdered that fucking cheating handwrap-tampering piece of shit. burn in hell for all eternity trinidad you fucking cheating, handwrap-tampering piece of black shit. burn in hell for all eternity you fucking cheating nigger piece of shit nigger. burn in hell for all eternity trinidad you fucking cheating piece of cheating piece of fucking shit cheater. roy nelson murder/death/killing the affirmative action nigger ape kimbo slice. murdered that fucking thug gorilla shit-skinned animal. hit him with 44 unblocked, unanswered, undefended punches to his black head to end the first round, then hit him with 23 unblocked, unanswered, undefended punches to his pitch-black head to end the fight. hopefully kimbo will die of brain damage from that beating within the week.

battlefields raping aoihetoiahsoiet. battlefields raping o43ght3o4ht. battlefields raping evilvsons. battlefields raping aegaseghae. battlefields raping paletucie. battlefields raping fortunetop. battlefields raping oaishetoiw. battlefields raping faosihet8oa. battlefields raping owehtoxowe8. battlefields raping aow4h39t8. battlefields raping coldcorts. battlefields raping ahdoioias. battlefields raping aseihoaihe8. battlefields raping lksdjlkajlke. battlefields raping asertyasert. battlefields raping ataset3zas. battlefields raping saertaet0. battlefields raping asetase4t4. battlefields raping akeiughawe. battlefields raping storegobuhgt.

This is fun. And no, I did not write out my name that many times. That would be stupid.

Hey, fortunetop!

What do you see here?

[QUOTE=canstrovious;2579691]fuck n!ggers[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=DJR;2136389]I think there is a common theme: he seems to be obsessed with the idea of men “raping” each other.[/QUOTE]

Couldn’t have put it better myself.

crocop murdering the ugly-as-fuck wanderlei silva in their rematch, wish he would have killed him. cormier murdering the ugly-as-hell steroids cheater antonio silva, hope silva dies this week.

i loved seeing crocop beat the fucking shit out of silva in crocop/silva 2, he fucking raped him. silva is a shit fighter and always has been. cro cop just proved it by beating the fucking shit out of that piece of garbage. hughes beating the fuck out of gracie, hughes is gracie’s father. first he broke gracie’s arm to shit, then beat the living piss out of him as gracie just laid there and died. i loved watching hughes beat the fuck out penn in hughes/penn 2, penn flat got raped when hughes immobilized his arm and started punching the shit out of his ugly face, he landed 40 unanswered punches to the face before the ref stopped in, penn will most likely die soon from that beating. hughes landed 40 clean hard unanswered punches to penn’s face, penn will never be the same. blowjob penn = korean dog-eating homosexual who got himself raped by matt hughes. matt hughes is a good looking guy, you have to admit, and he’s the greatest fighter who ever lived, just ask 3 of his rape victims, the homosexuals royce gracie, gsp and blowjob penn. i loved seeing hughes armbar the shit out of gsp in hughes-gsp 1. gsp, you tapped out you fucking pussy. gsp had to cheat to win in the rematch by kicking hughes in the nuts about 10 times. fuck you gsp, you got raped by hughes in the first match you fucking faggot lowlife piece of shit, burn in hell forever. i don’t know why people like gsp, he has no personality, he’s not a good fighter, he got raped by hughes, i just don’t see it. loved seeing aleks beat the shit out of that big brazilian mother fucker, he was landing 1-2’s on his face after he had been out on his feet for about 10 seconds. loved seeing sakuraba expose the gracies as no-talent hacks by raping all of them unmercifully, he ended the gracie myth. fuck the lowlife gracies. fuck you lowlife gracies, you got raped by sakuraba you fucking scumbag faggot lowlife gracies monkey fuckers. coleman breaking the fuck out of shogun’s arm, the ref shouldn’t have stopped the fight so coleman could have killed him. rampage fucking the shit out of randleman, he damn near killed him with those vicious knees. loved seeing slamcock get raped three times in a row by ortiz, slamcock is always complaining about early stoppages, even when he gets knocked unconscious like he did against sakuraba, which was also a very satisfying rape. loved seeing frank slamcock getting the fuck beaten out of him by bas rutten, that backhanded slap was killer and could be heard from the moon. loved seeing fedor rape coleman twice, coleman is jewish by the way. loved seeing sakuraba rape the absolute shit out of both randleman and rampage. loved seeing fedor break randleman’s arm to make him submit. loved seeing yoshida choke gracie into unconsciousness in yoshida/gracie 2, just another of the many fights that gracie has been absolutely murdered and outclassed, he is absolutely the most overrated mma fighter ever. loved seeing mir getting the fuck beaten out of him by ian freeman. loved seeing sylvia knocked the fuck out by arlovski in aa/sylvia 2, before arlovksi himself got dropped, but still, i liked seeing sylvia get absolutely murdered by that loud ko punch. sylvia got himself raped in aa-sylvia 1. sylvia absolutely sucks, die sylvia you ugly mother fucker. loved seeing rampage beat the absolute shit out of chuck “last of the mohicans” liddell twice. loved seeing genki sudo punch royler gracie into unconscious and then punching him a few times more after gracie had gone to lala land, i love seeing anytime the gracies get their asses raped, which is very often. loved seeing cro cop guillotine randleman into lala land, i hate randleman, also loved seeing bas rutten beat the shit out of randleman. loved seeing that cheating arona get his brain exploded when rampage dropped him on his head from about 14 feet up, i hate dirty fighters like arona and yvel, who dropped a referee and should be in prison to this day for it. enjoyed seeing cro cop absolutely destroy barnett three times, also loved seeing barnett submit big nog, and he did submit, the time just ran out. enjoyed seeing fedor beat the absolute shit out of big nog, he totally outclassed him and made him his bitch. enjoyed seeing cro cop punch sapp’s eye out. enjoyed seeing randleman rape the shit out of ninja with the hook from hell, he damn near took his head off. enjoyed immensely seeing kondo kick frank slamcock out of the fucking ring, slamcock totally deserved to get the fuck beaten out of him which he did. enjoyed seeing cro cop absolutely destroy herring, he fucked that guy up badly, landing about 20 undefended punches after he k0’d him with a kick to the liver. loved seeing igor destroy bueno, landing punches after bueno was out on his feet. enjoyed seeing hughes choke out trigg with a standing rnc in trigg/hughes 1. enjoyed seeing gomi absolutely rape one of the gracies in 7 seconds with knees, anytime a gracie gets destroyed like that is fun, and it happens a lot. also enjoyed seeing yoshida rape hunt and also cro cop ktfo hunt with a lhk. enjoyed seeing goodridge submit to mark coleman bc of position. enjoyed seeing yoshida destroy tank abbott. enjoyed seeing zulu get murdered by fedor, he totally was not in fedor’s class and he paid dearly for it. loved seeing kharitonov murder rizzo, he totally took his soul and raped him with a vicious beating. also loved seeing kharitonov murder ninja, that guy got fucked up with punches and you can see his eyes roll to the back of his head as he goes down to lala land. was thrilled when fujita got suffocated by fedor with a vicious rnc, he still has problems breathing today i heard, also enjoyed seeing fujita get the fuck beaten out of him by ken slamcock. enjoyed seeing don frye ktfo slamcock. enjoyed seeing fujita’s face spurt like a fountain with blood when he got kneed the shit out of by cro cop. enjoyed seeing aa knock buentello into next week. enjoyed seeing matua get seizured by tank. that ukrainian fighter taking out douglas dedge was pretty satisfying, although i do feel the fight was stopped prematurely. enjoyed seeing gomi absolutely rape jens pulver by knocking him the fuck out with one punch. enjoyed seeing cro cop fuck the hell out of silva’s body with a kick in silva/crocop 1, that gash was downright frightening and silva deserved it, just like he deserved to be murdered in silva/crocop 2. franklin beating the shit out of slamcock in a worked fight, even though it was fixed, i still enjoyed seeing slamcock get the faggot beaten out of him. enjoyed seeing cro cop fuck the shit out of coleman. walid choking the life out of royce gracie, love seeing that piece of garbage get fucked up. kang raping the shit out of ninja in under 7 seconds. fuck you ninja you piece of fucking shit. sakuraba armbarring the shit out of that big brazilian fucker in ufc japan, his third fight. gomi raping the shit out of azeredo, knocking him unconscious. tamura making pat smith tap out with a heel hook. fuck arabs, those animals shouldn’t be allowed to fly on planes, go to hell you fucking terrorist animals. rampage splitting arona’s head in two with a vicious powerbomb.

This is some sort of code, holy fuck, I have figured it out…

Give me a second, I think if I substitute letters for numbers…

And correspond them with their l33t counterparts…

Then add the remaining…

Nope, he’s just retarded.

Holy shit, is this thread the banned user graveyard? And that is definitely the most impressive* wall of text I’ve seen here.

*actual tin-foil hat, call the white truck and bring the elephant tranquilisers crazy/impressive.

It’s the same dude being banned over and over again.

For three years?! Wow, that’s a little… obsessive. Did he drop the soap in the shower or something?

[QUOTE=gons;2687726]i loved seeing crocop beat the fucking shit out of silva in crocop/silva 2, he fucking raped him. silva is a shit fighter and always has been. cro cop just proved it by beating the fucking shit out of that piece of garbage. hughes beating the fuck out of gracie, hughes is gracie’s father. first he broke gracie’s arm to shit, then beat the living piss out of him as gracie just laid there and died. i loved watching hughes beat the fuck out penn in hughes/penn 2, penn flat got raped when hughes immobilized his arm and started punching the shit out of his ugly face, he landed 40 unanswered punches to the face before the ref stopped in, penn will most likely die soon from that beating. hughes landed 40 clean hard unanswered punches to penn’s face, penn will never be the same. blowjob penn = korean dog-eating homosexual who got himself raped by matt hughes. matt hughes is a good looking guy, you have to admit, and he’s the greatest fighter who ever lived, just ask 3 of his rape victims, the homosexuals royce gracie, gsp and blowjob penn. i loved seeing hughes armbar the shit out of gsp in hughes-gsp 1. gsp, you tapped out you fucking pussy. gsp had to cheat to win in the rematch by kicking hughes in the nuts about 10 times. fuck you gsp, you got raped by hughes in the first match you fucking faggot lowlife piece of shit, burn in hell forever. i don’t know why people like gsp, he has no personality, he’s not a good fighter, he got raped by hughes, i just don’t see it. loved seeing aleks beat the shit out of that big brazilian mother fucker, he was landing 1-2’s on his face after he had been out on his feet for about 10 seconds. loved seeing sakuraba expose the gracies as no-talent hacks by raping all of them unmercifully, he ended the gracie myth. fuck the lowlife gracies. fuck you lowlife gracies, you got raped by sakuraba you fucking scumbag faggot lowlife gracies monkey fuckers. coleman breaking the fuck out of shogun’s arm, the ref shouldn’t have stopped the fight so coleman could have killed him. rampage fucking the shit out of randleman, he damn near killed him with those vicious knees. loved seeing slamcock get raped three times in a row by ortiz, slamcock is always complaining about early stoppages, even when he gets knocked unconscious like he did against sakuraba, which was also a very satisfying rape. loved seeing frank slamcock getting the fuck beaten out of him by bas rutten, that backhanded slap was killer and could be heard from the moon. loved seeing fedor rape coleman twice, coleman is jewish by the way. loved seeing sakuraba rape the absolute shit out of both randleman and rampage. loved seeing fedor break randleman’s arm to make him submit. loved seeing yoshida choke gracie into unconsciousness in yoshida/gracie 2, just another of the many fights that gracie has been absolutely murdered and outclassed, he is absolutely the most overrated mma fighter ever. loved seeing mir getting the fuck beaten out of him by ian freeman. loved seeing sylvia knocked the fuck out by arlovski in aa/sylvia 2, before arlovksi himself got dropped, but still, i liked seeing sylvia get absolutely murdered by that loud ko punch. sylvia got himself raped in aa-sylvia 1. sylvia absolutely sucks, die sylvia you ugly mother fucker. loved seeing rampage beat the absolute shit out of chuck “last of the mohicans” liddell twice. loved seeing genki sudo punch royler gracie into unconscious and then punching him a few times more after gracie had gone to lala land, i love seeing anytime the gracies get their asses raped, which is very often. loved seeing cro cop guillotine randleman into lala land, i hate randleman, also loved seeing bas rutten beat the shit out of randleman. loved seeing that cheating arona get his brain exploded when rampage dropped him on his head from about 14 feet up, i hate dirty fighters like arona and yvel, who dropped a referee and should be in prison to this day for it. enjoyed seeing cro cop absolutely destroy barnett three times, also loved seeing barnett submit big nog, and he did submit, the time just ran out. enjoyed seeing fedor beat the absolute shit out of big nog, he totally outclassed him and made him his bitch. enjoyed seeing cro cop punch sapp’s eye out. enjoyed seeing randleman rape the shit out of ninja with the hook from hell, he damn near took his head off. enjoyed immensely seeing kondo kick frank slamcock out of the fucking ring, slamcock totally deserved to get the fuck beaten out of him which he did. enjoyed seeing cro cop absolutely destroy herring, he fucked that guy up badly, landing about 20 undefended punches after he k0’d him with a kick to the liver. loved seeing igor destroy bueno, landing punches after bueno was out on his feet. enjoyed seeing hughes choke out trigg with a standing rnc in trigg/hughes 1. enjoyed seeing gomi absolutely rape one of the gracies in 7 seconds with knees, anytime a gracie gets destroyed like that is fun, and it happens a lot. also enjoyed seeing yoshida rape hunt and also cro cop ktfo hunt with a lhk. enjoyed seeing goodridge submit to mark coleman bc of position. enjoyed seeing yoshida destroy tank abbott. enjoyed seeing zulu get murdered by fedor, he totally was not in fedor’s class and he paid dearly for it. loved seeing kharitonov murder rizzo, he totally took his soul and raped him with a vicious beating. also loved seeing kharitonov murder ninja, that guy got fucked up with punches and you can see his eyes roll to the back of his head as he goes down to lala land. was thrilled when fujita got suffocated by fedor with a vicious rnc, he still has problems breathing today i heard, also enjoyed seeing fujita get the fuck beaten out of him by ken slamcock. enjoyed seeing don frye ktfo slamcock. enjoyed seeing fujita’s face spurt like a fountain with blood when he got kneed the shit out of by cro cop. enjoyed seeing aa knock buentello into next week. enjoyed seeing matua get seizured by tank. that ukrainian fighter taking out douglas dedge was pretty satisfying, although i do feel the fight was stopped prematurely. enjoyed seeing gomi absolutely rape jens pulver by knocking him the fuck out with one punch. enjoyed seeing cro cop fuck the hell out of silva’s body with a kick in silva/crocop 1, that gash was downright frightening and silva deserved it, just like he deserved to be murdered in silva/crocop 2. franklin beating the shit out of slamcock in a worked fight, even though it was fixed, i still enjoyed seeing slamcock get the faggot beaten out of him. enjoyed seeing cro cop fuck the shit out of coleman. walid choking the life out of royce gracie, love seeing that piece of garbage get fucked up. kang raping the shit out of ninja in under 7 seconds. fuck you ninja you piece of fucking shit. sakuraba armbarring the shit out of that big brazilian fucker in ufc japan, his third fight. gomi raping the shit out of azeredo, knocking him unconscious. tamura making pat smith tap out with a heel hook. fuck arabs, those animals shouldn’t be allowed to fly on planes, go to hell you fucking terrorist animals. rampage splitting arona’s head in two with a vicious powerbomb.[/QUOTE]
…Whoa. He must’ve glimpsed into the eye of Cthulhu or something.

[QUOTE=Permalost;2687801]…Whoa. He must’ve glimpsed into the eye of Cthulhu or something.[/QUOTE]

It’s a little-known fact that Cthulhu doesn’t care if you’re tapping out.