bas rutten please kick me in the groin and knee me in the head and elbow my face

o is really efficient? is it easy to kick someone in the balls

No it isn’t.:eusa_naug

It’s easy to kick someone unsuspecting in the balls, but someone who faces off against a bitchy little pussy immediately thinks “I bet this little queef tries to kick me straight in the balls”.

You want to take their attention with a chi-blast:5hypnodis, do a monkey kung-fu neck clinch and then a tiger-style foot rake in their lower abdomen:confused3.
This will disrupt their meridians suficiently for you to get your Pokemon cards back and run home to mommy:kiss:.


I hope my over-use of smileys removes the need for sarcasm tags.
Good day!

Because it’s nearly Christmas I’ve only one word for you today… Consider yourself a


never use one word when 2616 will do, Mr Frosty

But its Christmas you grumpy fucking scrooge

Ok, peace and goodwill to all men except the ones that in some way, however minor, piss us off.




Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Bollocks

of the swearing :-o

uncircumcised smelly infected vagina

STFU you pillock

I demand that Bas’s name be removed from this thread title. OR THE NEXT POST WILL BE ALL CAPS AND HAVE…SWEARING!

You start some really pathetic threads.

Stop it. Stop it right now.

He spelled it Bass… two 'S’s… like the fish.

Your avatar is awesome.

This thread needs more “Dangadangadadang”.


Bas doesn’t deserve this inhumanity.

sOMone Punch THIs MAN… in the LIVER!!!