ATTN: tom60

Threads that say “tom60! READ ME!! <thread title here>” are called ‘stickies’ or rather, threads that have been made to ‘stick’ at the top of the forum so they can be easily found by noobs like yourself. They are NOT personally adressed to you.

Thank you, and continue lurking.

Actually, Nieldo, upon hearing of Tom60’s infamous reputation, we (the staff) pre-emptively wrote up all the sticky threads specifically to pester him.


also: my bad. kthxbye :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: luk wat he writed hur.

maek him stop plz :frowning:

thank you neil
this board is not easy to fallow ,
odd tho most of them I’d never look at , no interest ,
noobs ?

There is an IQ requirement for following this website… and stop writing like a teenager sending text messages.

my what ? I just got here , what reputation ? wow you girls like gossip ?

but ya I figure a twit like you had a ber in you saddle

r u talkn 2 me? stfu n00b :smiley:

no neil she’s talking to me . and running spell check on her she has nothing to say about IQ

macho try spell check before you yap about IQ .

lot of cartoon here , anyone older then puberty here ?

ur hurting my feelingz :smiley:

the staff on this site are a sad group that puts chips on their shoulders over gossip .
OK I called ninjas ninjinas on another board . big deal
I posted about dillman and you all got pissy , but I wasn’t the first I answered the thread . now get over it

how small are you staff members , reputation ? really ?
so my first post on dillman you had already made up you’re vary small minds ?
OK thats fare .

You’re a maverick! A loose cannon! We can’t have a broken arrow like you running around wreaking havock on this site!

That’s another goldie in response by a post made in a sticky two months ago. I can understand someone not getting the stickies. However, to take a post that old as personally directed to him, when the date of the post is right fucking there, that’s just mind boggling.

what are talking about

but thanks for the compliment .

do as you like , you have not impressed me on anything but you’re admitted pettiness .

so I have opinions and you can’t have that ? LOL

it tuck 60 year’s and a lot of travel and experience to get these opinions .

but you had my name on the thread

and you explain why , so you asked for it didn’t you

All that traveling and you never stopped at a school.


It “tuck”?

El Macho

hmmm now that screams of insecurity

and whats wrong ?