Originally posted by jaychiu
Your point was contridictory too.
“Stick with the old way if it’s better, don’t switch to the new way just because it’s new.” [paraphrasing]
So, to develop “stone strong” strength I should “Tree Hug” for 3 years rather than do something more modern like, say, weight train in a gym? [/B]
Actually , there IS no Contradiction here .
You have FINALLY Understood EXACTLY what I have been trying to express to you . IF you are looking for Explosive Power , then look to weight Training . Thats what its there to Develop .
if you are looking to hold a Position against any force for a long period of time , then you look to Excecises like Yoga , and yes , Tree Hanging is a Yoga-Type Excersise . This can Include doing the Iron Cross on the Rings , Downward Facing Dog , and many other various and Sundry asiaticmovementswithstupidsoundingnameswhentranslatedtoenglish . No matter HOW many weights you lift , the kind of Strength needed to do THIS :
sort of thing is NOT found by Punping Iron . And youre talking to a FIRM believer in Pumping Iron ! Yo yes , Weight Training is Important , but its NOT the Be All & End All to transforming your Body for Combat .
Not by a LONG shot .
This understanding is somethign that is obviously VERY Poorly represented in your Training . You are being led down a Primrose Path that is Frought with Peril if you dont even know the capabilitioes of your OWN Instrument , much less that of Others .
MAY Pro BBs cannot do 5 min worth of Yoga . its simply a different Strength . It takes a Different Training . Standard Weight Trainging wont cut it . It takes your body TIME to make the Adaptations . Theres not yet been discovered a way to speed these up . When there IS , Ill be the first to let you know . its been known that to tak TEN YEARS for some Adaptations of this Type to happen . And Im NOT getting this frm any “Chinese Source” here :
Modern Sports Science , Written in North America .
Read that Link .
Educate yourself .