ATTN : Jaychiu !

Originally posted by jaychiu

Your point was contridictory too.

“Stick with the old way if it’s better, don’t switch to the new way just because it’s new.” [paraphrasing]

So, to develop “stone strong” strength I should “Tree Hug” for 3 years rather than do something more modern like, say, weight train in a gym? [/B]

Actually , there IS no Contradiction here .

You have FINALLY Understood EXACTLY what I have been trying to express to you . IF you are looking for Explosive Power , then look to weight Training . Thats what its there to Develop .


if you are looking to hold a Position against any force for a long period of time , then you look to Excecises like Yoga , and yes , Tree Hanging is a Yoga-Type Excersise . This can Include doing the Iron Cross on the Rings , Downward Facing Dog , and many other various and Sundry asiaticmovementswithstupidsoundingnameswhentranslatedtoenglish . No matter HOW many weights you lift , the kind of Strength needed to do THIS :

sort of thing is NOT found by Punping Iron . And youre talking to a FIRM believer in Pumping Iron ! Yo yes , Weight Training is Important , but its NOT the Be All & End All to transforming your Body for Combat .

Not by a LONG shot .

This understanding is somethign that is obviously VERY Poorly represented in your Training . You are being led down a Primrose Path that is Frought with Peril if you dont even know the capabilitioes of your OWN Instrument , much less that of Others .

MAY Pro BBs cannot do 5 min worth of Yoga . its simply a different Strength . It takes a Different Training . Standard Weight Trainging wont cut it . It takes your body TIME to make the Adaptations . Theres not yet been discovered a way to speed these up . When there IS , Ill be the first to let you know . its been known that to tak TEN YEARS for some Adaptations of this Type to happen . And Im NOT getting this frm any “Chinese Source” here :

Modern Sports Science , Written in North America .

Read that Link .

Educate yourself .

Oh, I did respond. I didn’t see this.

Here’s my post but only the related stuff.

Djimbe/Omar - Strength Training and Stuff

Flexibility, Strength and Core Strength will help any athlete in anything they do. Yoga and lifting are attributes builders and, yes, there are many ways to develop these attributes. Tree Hanging being one of them. My point was about EVOLUTION and TRADITION. Is Tree Hanging the best way to develop whatever it is that it’s developing? Is it possible that something newer, say Pilates, might be better? If not, fine. Yoga’s been around forever and I respect that but don’t hold onto Tree Hanging just for traditions sake. If you feel something better has come along then you need to analyze it and incorporate it in - not disregard it because of tradition.[/b]

And I think this debate is pointless unless we actually find out what this Tree Hanging excercise is.

Is it actually hanging from a Tree?

Moved by JKDChick.

Why ? Its on Topic ,. and Relevant to the Martial Arts , and what Is , and is NOT a form of McDoism and McDojo methodology . Theres nothing even APPROACHING the level of a Flame , much less a Flamewar in this thread .

Or is this just :

“I dont like you so any Thread you make Im moving to Trollshido” ?

Im just saying , let me know now . Be up front about it , and it will save us both a lot of time .

whats wrong with trollshido? Ive often seen it used to merely facillitate open debate

Theres nothing wrong with it when the Topic of Discourse Warrants it , and frankly , I couldnt give less of a shit about my Post count .

Its just that Trollshido is , firstly , not the place that someone looks to for On Topic Discourse , and secondly . I know that I nearly never look here for anythign . Its where the ppl interested solely in slander tend to hang , and that sort of things is Boring . No one here is even particualry good at shit talking , though they do try .

And basically , this is the board for where folks want to talk shit . I can do that , Heck , Im pretty good at it , but thats not what Im doing here , and thus its inapropriate . The subject matter is On-Topic , and the Idea was to differentiate between that wich is McDojo , and that wich is not .

I’ve been coming to Trollshido to participate in threads I care about.

This suggests over-moderation, especially, I have to add, where Djimbe is concerned.

I know. Djimbe threads get long.

But the thread that has Khun Kao’s post on it deserves to be in General. IMHO.

Been seeing a bit more moderation in bullshido lately, but this place still beats out any other MMA board. Besides, it doesn’t really matter if a thread is in trollshido or not.

Its in trollshido because of the clear tendency of this stuff to result in embarrasing displays of idiocy no matter how well intentioned. REMEMBER MATT THORNTON? And it didn’t stop there. There are probablt at least a half dozen 20 page flamewars dedicated to Djimbe vs bullshido. Thats hardly what we want in the main forum. This could easily be a nonconfantational thread in techniques and training regarding various excersises and their martial benefits or WHATEVER. This topic as it is though is flamebait.

I have found that fishnet thongs are really the only thing guaranteed to give me the support I need when doing yoga.Generally, I try to wear three to five pairs of dainty panties during my routine. My favorite moves are hippo-does-splits and attempt-to-feel-up-the-smelly-hippy-chick-next-to-you

OS this is NOT a “Djimbe Versus” , well , anything thread . Its a "Weight Training Versus Other Kinds Of Muscular Conditioning thread .

Please explain how its anythign else .

Oh , and I WOULD like to point out that :

  1. The Mat Thornton thing was Tigerfly’s Issue , and not mine , While I did agree with her on most of it

  2. That threasd was entitled something like “The Idiot”

  3. This thread has no fucking Resemblance to that one IN ANY WAY .

In fact other than the fact Im the Author , I defy you to find any real Connection between the two threads moved to Trollshido and ANY of the Thornton nonsense , wich was NOT all my doing , lest we forget .

I’d also like to know what “tree hanging” is, trollshido or not.

Umm , Ill go over and ask Johnwang to hook us up with Video of it … I THINK I saw a Clip of it on his site b4 …

Djimbe, damn near EVERYTHING regarding your training has ended up in trollshido. This is hear for a reason. Had it been posted in a lesson confrantational manner it wouldnt be.

Pleaase explain whats so confrontational About it ?

Oh , and why , if it is so confrontational hasnt it “Exploded into Flames” ?

Everytthing here is perfectly mellow , man . I think youre Reading more into it than is there , honestly .

Oh , and both those questions go for the Other thread as well .

In Fact , Ill edit the First posts so that theyre less Confrontational for you , then we can move them back ?

If you’re so confident that it won’t explode in flames, take me off ignore. Or does the truth still hurt?

Djimbe: Shum’s got a question.

Originally posted by Shumagorath
If you’re so confident that it won’t explode in flames, take me off ignore. Or does the truth still hurt?

Before we can further this discussion we need to find out what “Tree Hanging” is and to see if there is a more modern advancement that can give you that benefit better, safer or faster. All I know about it was that it’s suppose to be good for headlocks.

Fuck Shum .

Dont quote him to me again , or you can go on Ignore as well . I have him on Ignore for a reason , Hes a Troll , pure and Simple . He dosent Discuss MA in any way , he dosnet care a whit about the TRUTH , and hes a waste of typing time with his retarded Illogic .

Wahat I know about “Tree Hanging” is that its akin to “The Flag” or somehting in Gymnastics .

Ask him yourself if youre really so Interested . Hell , Ill so it for you …