ATTN Bullies: Radio Killed the Bullshidoka

If you’re not doing anything around 3pm-6pm EST and you’re in the MD area, tune in to the Ed Norris Show on 105.7. I’ll be a guest on his show, discussing topics as diverse as my roll as the Director of the Baltimore Zen Center to the Lesner-Couture fight. Other likely topics include the sweet possibility of having a VPILF, why the Detroit Mayor is going to jail for not being able to keep it in his pants, and why some of you dumbasses insist on dating fat bitches and midgets.

If you’re not in the MD area, you can stream it from this site: here.

Don’t know who Ed Norris is?

Go here.

Don’t care about Baltimore?


That is all.

Carry on.

Good deal, that’s one of my favorite shows. Good luck and don’t sound like an idiot on air.

Don’t worry. I’ll be sober.


You really are taking this seriously… :evil6:

You have no idea.

They’re doing a Dana White interview on the morning show. I am so disappointed I won’t be there.

no offense, but I’ve always thought that “Baltimore” + “Zen Center” is a very funny pairing.

Would you rather we just go by “Lord of Enlightenment Temple”?

Soon Der will rule the world! Through the radio!

Nice to see you on the boards again brother.

Don’t be so hard on yourself my it is completely normal to date within your circles for you…

It’s good to be back, JNP.

Could you mention Bullshido on air (begs)

If one of you sons of motherless goats called in to comment…

Phone number?

It should be on the website.

What…Baltimore doesn’t use daylight savings time? EDT fools =_=

Any rate, I should be able to listen in. Would be cool to put a voice to the name…I guess.

I have a lovely little sinus cold, so my voice is actually fragged.

Can people call in and relay their Vice-MILF themes? I’m still on the Naughty Librarian one…

If you keep it clean & make it past the screener, I’m sure you can. I am 99% sure she’ll be one of the topics. Just keep in mind guys that this is live radio & you’ll get dumped for profanity or anything overboard. Not to mention that if a bunch of douche bags call in say waddup to me, & then foul the show up, I look bad.

Just joking man (about calling, not the vice-milf, naughty librarian thing…that is serious).

Good luck Der !