ATTN Bodhi108, Hedgehogey

You are a fucking faggot, and I mean that in the sense that you are an annoying-person-who-does-annoying-things.

YouTube - Louis CK

YouTube - South Park:Can you point to the fag for me

The reason I called Dr TT a faggot was similar, he was trolling…unfortunately, it seems a lot of people chose to take him seriously.

So, faggot, you have received an infraction from ME as a poster for being a fucking shitty moderator. If you continue being a faggot, I will be forced to continually remind you that this is the case. To stop receiving infractions, all you need to do is stop being a faggot.

Quit with the ridiculous assumption that faggot is homophobic.


However, if it was a joke, good one, you got me. I hope that’s the case.

As for Hedgehogey, if you thought I was being homophobic, then I apologize, because that was not the case. I must warn you, however, that if you continue to be butthurt about this (and isn’t that something you should know how to deal with better by now???) I will have to assume that you as well are simply being an annoying-person-who-does-annoying-things.

I say Cracky edits the moderators’ infractions for lulz.


YouTube - MADNESS “CLASSY” Music Video - Shoot At Will Films

Yeah, we need to loosen the discourse a bit.

But at the same time, I think this enforcement came because, frankly,
the overall quality of the posts on the site has decreased.

It’s all fun and games, as long as there is a certain level of content quality.

To echo a comment that Lebell made recently,
I think I could well take 75% of all the regular posters on this site.

And that is a damn bad sign, considering what martial artists used to post here when I started to lurk back in 2006.

The fact that I would even get in the ring with someone who posts in “Advanced Grappling” says a lot. There were many more advanced players on ADCC in 2001 than there are here today, and that site had less than 1000 members. There were definitely people giving advanced advice to others there, but then you’d find out they were someone like Sheldon Marr.

I’m not sure what to think about your gong sau, Matt, but I agree with you on this.

Not only have many of the old guard left the site in the last few years,
but also has the community evolved from a community of martial artists to a community of people that talk about martial arts.

…And so I completely support the harder policy by the mods, even if it is at my own expense. (Hello, Dave! :brave:)

Now, if it is too wise to censor Icy, I don’t know.

Instead, I would rather bash more n00bies, or people that have a lot of posts, but very little actual experience.

I mean, hell, a kid I teach asked for advice here lately, and all he got where lulzy answers. Funny, but not what the community should be about, IMO.

I won’t be censored. If I get “infractions” I will mock them, and if I get banned…I don’t care, make it permanent. I have better things to do with my time.

Or…let things be as they ought to.

[quote=ICY;2484211]I won’t be censored. If I get “infractions” I will mock them, and if I get banned…I don’t care, make it permanent. I have better things to do with my time.

Or…let things be as they ought to.[/quote]
If you didn’t learn anything from the Germans in the '40s…at least remember to not simultaneously fight a war on two separate fronts.

Here or on Sociocide, Cracky. Choose a front, win your battle, then shift.

[quote=Merry Meow Meow;2484137]Yeah, we need to loosen the discourse a bit.

But at the same time, I think this enforcement came because, frankly,
the overall quality of the posts on the site has decreased.

It’s all fun and games, as long as there is a certain level of content quality.

To echo a comment that Lebell made recently,
I think I could well take 75% of all the regular posters on this site.

And that is a damn bad sign, considering what martial artists used to post here when I started to lurk back in 2006.[/quote]

I’d take that bet.

The rationale that we need to CRACK DOWN TILL POASTS IMPROVE would make some fucking sense if not for that fact that in the GOLDEN AGE OF BULLSHIDO you’re all alluding too [I]the site was less moderated.

[/I]In those days, if someone made fun of you, you had to handle it like a man and not a whining fucking child.

Strangely, the whining fucking children are all older, train less, and have extremely poor senses of humor and no photoshop skills.

Banning lolcats would help this site more than banning the word faggot.

Matt, there’s no war at Sociocide…I’m fine with the rules there, whatever they end up being. I enjoy the conversation and tone of the humor. Here, it seems things have gotten pretty faggy with no redeeming qualities.

Tzzzzzz, don’t you remember what the Spanish did to you at the Alamo, Texan? :wink:

[quote=JohnnyCache;2484236]The rationale that we need to CRACK DOWN TILL POASTS IMPROVE would make some fucking sense if not for that fact that in the GOLDEN AGE OF BULLSHIDO you’re all alluding too [I]the site was less moderated.

[/I]In those days, if someone made fun of you, you had to handle it like a man and not a whining fucking child.

Strangely, the whining fucking children are all older, train less, and have extremely poor senses of humor and no photoshop skills.

Banning lolcats would help this site more than banning the word faggot.[/quote]

I agree with this sentiment, up to a point:

Word censorship is silly, but then, the content issue is not due to that:

It’s because, from what I get, the core group of BS was all stemming from one generation of around 2002, and most from that time have moved on.

Get people like Aesopian or Osiris back.
Find a target as easy as Ashida Kim.
Begin to post more about martial arts than about the lifestyle surrounding them.
And censor prolific noobs better. Open a whitebelt zone, whatever.


You’re a fag.

Exactly! Censorship and moral fagging sucks. The freedom to be mean and unthinking is exactly what I love about this forum.

Doesn’t matter the word pussies:
YouTube - All the FRAKS of Battlestar Galactica - Miniseries + Season 1

No, you’re a fag.

That, and word censorship can be cute:

YouTube - Scrubs - Elliot ‘Frick, Frick, FRICK, FRIIICK!!!’

The Elliot poster on my wall is better than any real girlfriends.

Noooo, you’re a fag for saying that.