Attention: Sirc, Stick

Sirc. I didn’t even get your phone call till today. My phone’s been sitting in the charger for a while.

I called Stick’s number, but the number seems to be out of service now.

I can’t go back into messages to get the number you called me from, becuase the way my phone works, it won’t let me go back into messages unless there are “un-listened” messages to listen too.

And i’ve been off the internet for a while too. I’m sorry man. Are you still here?

lol wut? apparently your a dumbass

Irony ftw

I asked for a TKD black belt sticker, but they gave me this instead. :frowning:

And you were surprised?

All I wanted was get a fist, a TKD black belt sticker, all my 1000+ posts restored, and inducted in to the hall of fame.

wait a sec… My post count is back!!!

This is priceless…

Goddamnit, if you people focused less on my grammar, and more on your martial arts, you could rival george dillman with NO TOUCH KOs.

also, if we gave YOU a tkd bb tag, then we’d have to give every other 11 year old on the site a tkd bb tag, and to be honest, those brats are egotistical as balls.

I don’t know, not that I would wana have a TKD BB tag but when I one day have a TKD BB it was earned like any other Belt in any other System.

I thought you were a “respected member of the WoW forum”?


wait, what? Not a joke? Yes you’re right a TKD BB is the same as a kyokushin BB.


I found out that you’re kind of a homosexual anyway. Maybe next time.

no i’m not. this thread is going way off topic.

I’ve even talked about how to look me up on the Kukkiwon database and I know better than to ask for a TKD BB tag.

you’re not what? A homosexual or a respected member of the WoW forums?

Sirc trolled me over the phone yesterday… I feel unclean…

sniffles Bastard…

We missed you kikko.

Um… dude… can you please explain to us WHAT THE FUCK the topic of this thread actually is!!!