Attention KeinHaar! You may be jealous now...

This is my gigantic, personalized, “300” movie premier poster signed by Zack Snyder himself.

He signed in gold ink, so it’s hard to read, but it says: “To Andy and Rich: Thanks! Zack Snyder”

(For you philistines out there, Snyder directed teh movie)

I hope you enjoy looking at it, BECAUSE IT’S MINE!!!

Give him nothing…

But take from him;


YouTube - 300 Trailer- Best Parody EVER

I just took my APOCALYPSE NOW movie poster and had it put on a ‘floating mount’ . Its better than laminating( no glare) and cheaper than framing, still cost me $110.00 though.

A true Spartan would…

I got nothing.

::hangs up spear and shield:::