ATT Bitches. This Is antoname.

Ok, let’s start this thread in Trollshido. It’s is the perfect place for antoname if you ask me.

So who’s antoname. Well, he is a dark, mythic creature of the night. The one who makes humanity a bit more retard everytime he posts. So let’s start this shit.

BTW, antoname is 17 years old punk, claiming to be from Greece, and also claiming to have 4 years of Judo training, plus Kyokushin. So let’s get started:

First, he comes crashing someone else’s introductory thread claiming a past background in Judo and KK, and then in WC and Shotokan

Then he’s asking if WC is effective even though he’s already training in it. Fuck, if you have had training in Judo and KK, you should fucking well know if whatever you are training right now is good or not. So here is where it begins to smell like bullshit. If it isn’t bullshit, then it’s retardation of levels never seen before.

Then he states that Kung Fu is strong, specially WC… and then he asks if WC is stronger than Kyokushin. What the fuck, he claims to have trained in Kyokushin first and now in WC. He should know… unless he’s lying.

Then he claims to have been doing Judo for 4 years. Then he says he thinks Bujinkan is ideal for self defense. And then he asks if Bujinkan is good? What the fuck again? If you think it’s good why do you ask if it’s good? Make up your mind moron.

Then he goes to imply WC training is superior than TKD for self defense… even though he was previously asking if WC was effective or as good as Kyokushing (these questions coming from somebody who claim to have trained in both).

And then he says he just started training WC, but that he would like to try Tai Chi… and then he asked which one is better. So his WC is so limited he cannot even make his own mind, and he’s been wondering if WC is any better than other arts. AND YET, this is the same person who was trolling other posters about how WC is superior to their training:

Next, once again, he goes to troll and trash a Kempo thread. Look at this gem. Can you feel the retardation of it.

Verdict: He’s a fucking liar. No amount of language barrier can amount for the inconsistencies of his posts. Liar, liar, liar.

I don’t see a problem of a kid coming in and trying to be a ninja, asking a kazillion silly questions, or trying to find his way and chose what to do (lifting, martial arts, origami, whatever.)

That’s one thing. Another is to go around trolling the threads made by other, older, more experience people.

It’s going to be a long summer.

Well I think he makes some very valid points , many of which make perfect sense and I have not heard before .

I say we make him a Team Leader and be done with it .

I’m figuring this is closer to what you really meant…

I really thought that is what I said …

OH I SEE !!!

I meant MAP Moderator … not team leader … my bad … yeah … I just had a moment earlier I guess .

You are getting trolled again.

Sure fire way of finding out if he’s really Greek…
Ask him if he’s got a cousin called Nick.


You are assuming that there is a manhood there to be chewed off.

and I know a Greek guy named Nick. I call him Casanova though…he makes it with the married ladies at the gym and has roid acne on his neck. Yum yum.

Yep, it’s confirmed. He’s lying (not that I’m surprised). Rather than address this thread, he throws a red herring rather than addressing the questions:

I clicked this linkey because I thought it was about American Top Team and something to do with my team mate Macho.

Boy was I let down.

I thought it was about the phone company and a reduction in my long distance bills…damn wife and her talking.

Everyone does, I’m guessing…
Greek tradition is first born boy is named after the paternal grandfather, second born after maternal grandfather, so the Nick thing is an endless cycle…
If there’s a third boy, they name him Nick, just in case.:icon_bigg

My boss is greek. And his name is Nick.

His two daughters are named after the two grandmothers, paternal first, maternal second. And one of them is a Nikki.

Yikes. And these people created modern civilization?

Hihihi, sorry for the let down mate :slight_smile:

change thread title plz. ATT —> ATTN

Oh shit, now I know why Anthony thought this was a thread about our schools :eusa_doh:

I also thought someone named antoname issued a general challenge to American Top Team:color: :blob5::XXbunny:who started this thread? :israel7va