I found a clip on youtube that I want to share with all of you. It is a short clip with an actual assassination done with a “ninjaish” blade. It is tempting to use “last ninja assassination” as the thread title but it wouldn’t be spot on. YouTube - Inejiro Asanuma Assassination Footage (1960)
The killer was a 17 year old boy. Look how the crowd reacts, suddenly there are japanese buisness men all over the place
You missed all signifigance of this and completely ignored the story, which wouldn’t be so bad if he wasn’t feature as a previous ‘Badass of the Month’. This thread = FAIL.
The kid comes out of nowhere with that charge, the politician (or whatever he is) didn’t even see him coming till the last second. That is some legit ninjitsu right there
Wikipedia says its a wakizashi, but I know I’ve read in Japanese sources that is was a WWII bayonet. It looks like a bayonet in the still photos as well.