Ashida Kim

Hello, umm, I am new and I am just wondering…
After browsing through the posts, i noticed something…
Who is Ashida Kim?

You should’ve browsed through the posts more. Go to and you’ll see.

Sounds and look fake. :eusa_doh:
but did any one spared with him before?
Is there any prize for the $10,000 challange?

Thanks now, Koto_Ryu
Looks like I am with the majority…

He’s been taken up on the 10,000 challenge repeatedly, by various fighters from here, there, and everywhere . . . including our own Anthony.

If you read the terms, the 10k is not a prize but is his to keep just for showing up - and he still won’t show up and fight when the 10k is dangled in front of him. (he’s now in his 50s, so I doubt he could get liscensed for a public prize fight anywhere, but still, for ten grand, I’d take a pretty good beating without even fighting back and consider it a good day’s work). Also, the rules stipulated in the challenge are somewhat . . . odd. THere’s a thread in the ‘classics and mega threads’ forum about him punking out from his challenge.

I dont think Ashida would even take up a challenge from someone like this kid…

The man is lord McNinja anda fantasy warrior. And a reactionary right wing homophobic twat with strong views about a world he doesn’t seem very knowledgable about.

Ashida Kim isnt his real name right?
Because you know…hes not…asian :eusa_doh:

No. His real name is Chris Hunter. There are five thousand threads on Ashida Kim including one that tells his real history and such.

re Chris Hunter.

He explicitly denies that he is (/was) Chris hunter. He says that Chris Hunter is a friend of his.

When he sells grades the certs are signed by both him (as “ashida Kim”) and seperately also “chris Hunter” -apparently not the same sig.

This doesn’t prove anything.

Notes. Kim is a common Korean surname. Ashida is Japanese. Ashida ought to be the surname but it is common for oriental names to be reversed into western format (surname second). Photos of him show that he is caucasian.