Ashida Kim Message board fun

gheyninjaz, i’d like you to meet someone that everyone here at bullshido knows well…

his name is SARCASM…

that’s what that post was…SARCASM. nobody here EVER thought you were a badass.


Am I missing something? This is what you said, until the self proclaimed cool guys bashed me - then you jump right on their bandwagon.

gheyninjaz, i’d like you to meet someone that everyone here at bullshido knows well…

his name is SARCASM…

I would have said that you might have recieved a better reaction if you went over to THEIR web site and laughed about how you spammed bullshido, but they don’t even come here spamming childish remarks so they probably would give you the same reaction.

At least the geeks over there don’t bash eachother. Maybe I should become a ninja.

Maybe. Sounds like you just want to be accepted.
gives you a big hug