We’ll see how long it lasts before he deletes these - fun stuff though. Those people are nuts!
[links removed, stop spamming dickhead]
You’re really badass, great first post!
Not spam - Funny ninja stuff.
Go to the ashida kim message boards and look and any thread with replies from me - Gheyninjaz.
It’s worth a look.
Search FUNC-TION. Do you know how many threads we have like this?
Fucking troll.
I wasn’t just directing you to AK boards just to point it out, duh - I totally trolled his site - So I guess you are right I am a troll. The funny part was all of my long replies and challenges to the BS in his threads - if you had taken a min to actually read my post, gone to any of the links, you may have gotten a laugh or 2 - but instead you decided to be a dick.
We’re getting lately some noobs coming here complaining about how they were kicked out “unfairly” from this or that forum, or bragging about how they are ballbusting people on this or that forum.
More than trolling i think they’re teenagers who do so because that’s what “the cool kids at bullshido are doing”.
Guess it’s a side effect of this site increasing popularity.
Congrat-u-fucking-lations. The next time you feel the urge to win approval on Bullshido by picking on tards. Please do it here.
The kids these days.
Yeah, cuz your so cool. I wanna be just like you. If you want a laugh, go have a look - if not, Don’t.
Just telling you, it’s some funny shit…
Well worth a couple of mouse clicks - if it’s not funny, or worth 5 min of your time, I will withdraw my membership here… It is right up the ally of most people on this site. I’m not just another idiot trying to piss off ninjas and gain points here - have a look - my replies are lucid, well written and funny.
Relax and jump of that high horse - if someone with 1000 posts had written these, you 2 would be patting them on the back.
I orig posted this in “your martial arts sucks” beacuse it says this:
Take the gloves off and grammatically beat on each other and dead horses such as Style vs. Style, Chi, Ashida Kim, Phil Elmore, and related, retarded discussions. Lightly moderated, for blatantly obvious idocy and NSFW or illegal content
It was moved to where it is now…
Sorry, I’m not the cool, super-internet-forum-user that you are…
Yeah, I am, in fact, pretty cool.
If you wanna be funny, you may aswell start here.
But you don’t wanna be like the cool guys… OK.
Something tells me that they won’t be.
Look, there has been a serious research done on AK before. Also, the punking of the AK boards have been done to death… years ago. We have moved past the point of trolling their forums. Old joke.
Yeah, I can tell you guys are over all that silly crap - making fun of ninjas and all.
It’s funny though, that the most popular thread on this site currently is a ninja thread…
There always has be a some geeky keyboard warrior, waiting to jump on a “NOOB” for posting in the wrong place, or saying it’s been done to death, etc… What hasn’t? If something is funny, it’s funny. The Ninja thing has been done to death here - you’re right - but the Teenage ninja thread is pretty funny, is it not?
Your constant failing at reading comprehension is startling.
That sentence is very poorly written - as are most of your previous attempts. Maybe it’s not my comprehension; maybe it’s your inability to express yourself in writing. Don’t make me get out the red pen.
Jesus guys, give the guy a break. All He did was make fun of Ashida and his band of freaks. I just went and checked it out and it is funny as hell, in my opinion. It has been done before, yes, but its just as funny each time. All he said was that its funny, thats it. Why all the hostility?
I’m surprised, Ghayninjaz hasn’t followed his predisessors (sp?) and started calling everyone fags, telling them how ignorant they and and make fun of whatever martial arts they do. Good on you for being able to handle ridicule.
That said I’m still with supercrap. There is nothing new or even funny about those posts. It’s something that would amuse a 13 year old trying to start a fight, not adults. It’s sad.
I’m really surprised at all the new posters who show up and try to jump on the bullshido bandwagon. Most cases the minute someone points out their being an idiot they take a hissy fit and turn out 20 times worse than whoever/whatever they were making fun of.
Am I missing something? This is what you said, until the self proclaimed cool guys bashed me - then you jump right on their bandwagon.
Way to think for yourself - It’s okay, as long as they think your Cool.
At least the geeks over there don’t bash eachother. Maybe I should become a ninja.
A.) It’s not funny.
B.) Making fun of Ashida Kim nowadays is like putting a “Kick Me” sign on a retard. The son of a bitch is already retarded, and it’s only going to make you look like a douchebag.