ashida kim | face him

hi guys,
i am writing this to give you the courage of facing any challenge put forward by ashida kim!
He has published his weak points he can’t back up from so where ever you humilate him type the followings:-

  • [B][I][U]ashida kim teaches ninjutsu but gives examples of bruce lee (founder and follower of jute kune do)[/U][/I][/B]
  • [B][I][U]he says that a ninja controls his own mind and is never angered and if you humilate him he is ultra-angered[/U][/I][/B]
  • [B][I][U]he says his ninjutsu links to china.[/U][/I][/B]
  • [B][I][U]ninjas never use katas they tailor make the moves so what is kata dante.[/U][/I][/B]
  • [B][I][U]he says in 'invisible fist' the ninja are peaceful people who do not fight and just escape and in 'kata dante' he says that ninjutsu is an un holy art meant for killing.[/U][/I][/B]
  • [B][I][U]he says that ninjutsu absorbs moves from every system! ask masaaki hatsuumi this is a terrible lie.[/U][/I][/B]
  • [B][I][U]he has only learnt 1 art on merit level i.e. aikido.[/U][/I][/B]

This is like the worst thread ever, and I’m usually nice around here.

Quoted for insane amounts of sad sad truth. Wait, I see a horse. It’s dead. Sorry guys, I have to run and beat off to it…

starts slow clap

stuff it, chump. no one cares

I emailed ashida about this, his reply:
“Your mother.”

no seriously.

That proves Ashida Kim is a real ninjer - he t0tally pwnd the OP on the interwebs without even being there.

Maybe ninjerism isn’t as bad as y’all say it is.

Someone who has studied Psychology please explain the reasoning behind starting this thread

Someone trollshido this garbage…

Never ask a psych student for anything. They’re wankers who don’t realise they do a pseudoscience and believe their half baked theories have some basis in reality

Psychology is the wing chun of science

…er, Psychology graduate and WC ‘brown belt’
shame spiral

That being said, it’s because the OP is actually a medical doctor who gets off on fucking with us all while he drinks his whiskey sours every night.

I’ve got this lump under my ear…

I can’t work out if he’s trolling or doesn’t know this site’s history with AK and genuinely thinks he’s helping.

Then economics is the aikido of science.

Let’s see: one post, horribly written, about a subject that has been beat to death so much I’ve run out of metaphors to describe how much it’s been beaten…

:pool: <— that one’s neat

WTF. Where do these people come from?

Why would anyone edit their post to be that way in the first place? I think thats the first sign that someone is a massive retard.

I’m guessing critical thinking skills haven’t been taught in school yet.

The ghey Super Marios Bros agree, that AK is gheyer than they are.


The ghey Super Marios Bros agree, that AK is gheyer than they are.[/quote

This is so wrong on so many levels…but about the thread

:deadhorse :deadhorse :deadhorse

Thanks for the courage, dude. I feel awesome.

This thread would have been useless without this fine chunk of commentary.