There is so much wrong with this guy that it boggles the mind. First, have you read any of his books? If not, did you know he tried to write erotica under his usual pen name, with himself as the main character?
Have you ever seen any of his insane ranting and raving complete with blatant threats about ninja attacks… i’m coming for you and you never know when I’m going to attack because i’m the invincible invisible warrior iron fist silent deadly shiznitz assasin? Are you aware of how he blatantly stole copy righted material and used it as his own? He claimed friendships and allegiances with characters from both fictional and real.
Who fucking cares if someone can print their own fake black belt certificates if they want? The point is that he was selling absolute shite to gullible kids and blatantly encouraging them to engage in fight’s he’s afraid to settle himself. The further this guy goes along, the worse this is likely to turn out. When he was younger, nobody took him seriously. As an old man, he’s doing the same thing that Neo Nazi ring leader’s do: exploit impressionable kids. Take their money, and make them believe they are singularly hated because of their “real ninja skillz;” rather than their association with a fringe loonie and blatant fraud.
Have you read those books? He fucks up the facts and history of everything, plagiarizes at length, and what he make’s on his own is so god damn dumb that any causual observer with any understanding of the material presented immediately realizes this guy is just pulling shit out of old bruce lee and Sho Kasuge movies. Rotten to the core.
That, and no one person in my life of being a bully, jock, asshole, steroid pumping psychopath, and whatever else it is they hate over there has been more fun to make fun of. Few have deserved it so much. I don’t even care any more if he was horribly picked on as a child/teenager. I’ve seen him post so much ridiculous crap: threats of violence to non-threatening people who dared to question his “obvious superiority”, the time he tried to start a Jedi society with himself as the Jedi Master, the time he tried to start a militant internet anti-terrorist group with himself as the fearless leader and other wise claims of dorkdom and the obvious attempts to otherwise beat his own drum about how bad ass he is.
To sum up the hierarchy of lies and why I personally hate Ashida Kim:
Liar: I’m a ninja.
Askida Kim: I’m a ninja master.
Liar: I kicked some guys ass once so bad…
Ashida Kim: I kicked everyone’s ass at the same time, in fact, i’m so tired of kicking ass you’d have to pay me 20,000 dollars just to get me to kick your ass. Otherwise, I’m just going to sit here and bask in how good I kicked all those asses.
Liar: I got laid by this HAWT chick last summer, you don’t know her…
Ashida Kim: I used to be a ninja body guard for a million dollar brothel after these mafia guys found out how much of a badass i was and told me, “hey, be my ninja bodyguard and get paid hooker money to protect my bitches.” So I was like all kicking everyone’s ass and all these hawt girls wanted me to be their first but at first I couldn’t because it wouldn’t be right and then I did anyway after I saved them from their live’s as hoes after I cashed my hooker money check and kicked all the mafia guys asses for not respecting the hoes.
Liar: man I’m so slick I can sneak up on anybody.
Ashida Kim: I can turn invisible. At WILL. I will kick your ass and be invisible the whole time. You’ll be all like, “fuck, who’s kicking my ass, I don’t know. I sure pissed off a bad ass invisible ninja master this time!”
Am I painting a picture here?