LOL… I this has been posted before, then please by all means delete this thread. But I just HAD to post this on here because it was absolutely fucking hilarious.
LOL @ Ripping the ears and Genitals off…
LOL… I this has been posted before, then please by all means delete this thread. But I just HAD to post this on here because it was absolutely fucking hilarious.
LOL @ Ripping the ears and Genitals off…
I’ve never seen that one. That’s fucking hilarious. Especially that yell he does while he does it.
What a maroon.
I had a kuksool student that was as dillusional,
cooky, and “I’m-a-warrior-hermit-mu’adib”–ish.
He even prayed to the Space-Time Continuum.
Claimed he was a monk. Even said he could beat
me in sparring—which he couldn’t. Which was sad
because all I had back then was kuk sool.
If you can be beaten be kuk sool sparring, you
Does Ashida know he’s full of shit? Or is he
fooled by his own shit?
Comments please…
Armbaring the shit out of him would be more satisfying if he really believed it.
or a flying gogoplata, coz it would be almost ninja-ish in its complexity, and as he faded out he would be gutted that he could not do one
flying crucio-loco-plata for teh win.
I really hate it when black belts can’t tie their belts right. It is a serious issue to me. Don’t know why. Makes bloodvessels explode in my head.
Why did this get moved to Trollshido? It’s funny and I don’t see it in the “bloopers and humor” video forum.
It’s also a great example of the “one step sparring” taken to a ridiculous extreme.
Wasn’t posted in the fucking VIDEOS section.
well excuse me for being new! asshole.
ok… so why not move it to videos, that’s my point…