Arggh I be trippin'


That is a new vid of the lynwood kendo club at least i think it is that kendo club.[/quote]

So is that your point? Questioning his Kendo credentials? Is there a personal agenda?

Arggh I be trippin’

Read the yogameditation thread I posted earlier. Sung Baek is Bob Wan Qi Kim’s boss, and the guy who makes the sea-salt that sells at $300 for a small tub.

Do you think I care about your yogameditation thread? I was asking the OP what purpose, direction or point of this thread was…

Is Master Baek’s creditionals being questioned? If so which ones? Is it more of a should I train under/with/based upon his teachings/theories or instruction?

This question is yet to be answered. What EXACTLY is the OP asking?

Either read the yogameditation thread or fuck off.

Thanks for the insight.:BangHead:

We had an investigation, it went dead, one of the people involved is asking about some loose ends.

Is this hard to understand?

[quote=CrackFox;2274635]We had an investigation, it went dead, one of the people involved is asking about some loose ends.

Is this hard to understand?[/quote]

Apparently so.

[quote=CrackFox;2274643]Let me break it down for you.

1 The guy sells really expensive magic salt.
2 People like me say “hold up a sec, that’s just NaCl”
3 People who buy the crap, say “Na-uh, it’s made by a mystical Taoist sword master!”
4 We establish whether or not he is is a legit sword guy, it puts a hole in their already shaky logic.[/quote]

My care factor is too low for me even to read what you just posted, but I will thank you for the time you took to try and explain something to me…

Thats really cute.


[quote=sainthamish;2274646]My care factor is too low for me even to read what you just posted, but I will thank you for the time you took to try and explain something to me…

Thats really cute.[/quote]

Can’t say I expected anything more from you, but I had to give you a decent explanation in case any lurkers who might have something useful to add were put off by my initial response to you. Now fuck off.

[quote=sainthamish;2274646]My care factor is too low for me even to read what you just posted, but I will thank you for the time you took to try and explain something to me…

Thats really cute.[/quote]

Isn’t this the same as sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling “Yer dumb! NAH NAH NAH I’M NOT LISTENING I’M CAN’T HEAR YOU NAH NAH NAH”?

I think my kids played that way when they were 5.

He is as fake as they get !!! he took me for 1000 dollars in a year and fucked my beagle! Nah not really just felt like saying something stupi andthis semed the spot

Why was this thread even moved here in the first place why was it not kept in the bullshido area of the forum?


[quote=Foolish;2274982]Isn’t this the same as sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling “Yer dumb! NAH NAH NAH I’M NOT LISTENING I’M CAN’T HEAR YOU NAH NAH NAH”?

I think my kids played that way when they were 5.


Thanks for the clarification. Foolish.

[quote=thunderbolt999;2343897]OK…I deeply and authentically appreciate your authenticity. This is getting to the true heart of things and will guide you to remembering your true divine nature. there is no true happiness without physical well being. If you are constantly in pain, or unhappy in your body, it is extremely hard to be happy in general. All humans really want to be happy, joyful and feel good.

I am honored that you would actually take the time and energy to open up to me…a complete stranger…so, with respect, i will give you whatever advice i can.

DONT train yourself like chuck Liddel!!! the guy is a great fighter and hits really hard, but he is not going to have the type of mobility that a correctly trained martial artist will have, especially in their 60s. Only certain people are capible of training liek him, and for some it is ok, for others maybe not.

There is the true value in correct training. I have looked at thousands of videos, photos, and searched all kinds of methodology. The most impressive i have ever seen are Instructors at Oom Yung Doe. to see someone who is 60 years old, jump 6 to 8 feet in the air and spin and kick and land liek a cat is absolutely unbelievable.

This is an example of true martial arts…you shoudl always get better in condition and not train in ways that will lead to a loss of mobility later in life.

MMA will get you in shape, but there are gaps. I hope that MMA guys seek out peopel like Jerry Barfield and Chan Yong Fa, Li Jin Heung, GM Baek and the other grate masters and promote long-term development.

There are some really good masters out there that are getting older and still are able to demonstrate extreme capabilites and have radiant health.

Find those guys. It doesnt matter how badd-ass a fighter is in his 20s or 30’s…check out the guys in their 50’s, 60,s and 70,s that are still out doing the young guys.

Promote what they are doing. help the world preserve the true methods of mind-body-spirit.

Chan Family Choy Le Fut is VERY good. look at Oom Yung Doe is extremely good despite any nay-sayers out there. Thomas Furr is quite possibly one of the scarriest, most badd-ass martial artists i have ever met. If you want to train well, and are on the west coast…go to that guy…Ive cross trained with a lot of people, he is by far one of the best in USA.

It is very hard to find the true teaching. I have looked far and wide. I have trained with many styles and interviewed a lot of teachers.

I can point out a few who are clearly able to demonstrate the correct path. the proof is always in the pudding. find the guys who are getting older, and can still perform.

I completely understand what is it like to get off of your schedule and out of shape…its ok, you cant be too hard on your self.

But you have to start somewhere. Find somthing that motivates you.

As far as Chuck Liddel is concerned…i wouldnt want to get hit by the guy, but i do not consider him a martial artist. a fighter, yes. a martial artist, no.

If Chuck Liddel busted out some Northern Mantis, or some Nan Quan or some Drunken fist, or any other style, he is a martial artist.

MMA fighters grapple, punch, kick, and box, but i have yet to see traditional training in in any traditional style.

I am not putting down MMA, dont get me wrong, i just think it is still in its infancy.

I would love MMA if i got to see guys use real kung fu styles.

MMA workouts are extremely intense, and i think they are wonderful for buring calories and conditioning and strength…but they need to be balanced, otherwise the tendon and ligamt gets neglected…

They have gaps. I have thought about potentially creating a training protocol that would fill in the gaps so that these guys who are so passionate about what they do, are less likely to develop imbalances later in life.

Typically, ankles and knees and hips are under trained, weak, and points of potential disaster for MMA guys.

The tendon and ligament around the knee and ankle is hard to know what to do, unless you really know how.

Even many of the traditional martial arts ive seen, like Wushu, get ankle and knee injuries.

What good is your car, if you have a flat tire? if you have a bad ankle or knee, you cant do anything, right?

so…there are lots of gaps. Maybe, through your site, and with the broad reach that you have, we can pool knoledge, and share it, so that other people like us, who are passionate and love martial arts, can share tips and bennefit from understanding a few things here and there, and we can all improve together.

It would be worthwhile for me, to share what i know to a large audiance, if i know that i am helping people prevent injury, and continue to improve their lives.

I commend you for being a consumer advocacy group and looking out for peoples well being.

How can people liek us also help to share and pool knoledge that can be used to help?

I could give a shit how tough chuck liddel is…if some one gave the guy a tip that he was able to use in his work out, and it allowed him to be in less pain in 20 years when he wants to play with his grand kids…i guantee he would love it.

So…why not take your far reach, and collaborate with people so that there can be an information share that would be preventative maintenance for MMA and martial arts practitioners.

Come up with a forum or something taht is specifically designed to help people know how to spot incorrect things, and improve on other things.

I would be happy to help in any way that i can. i know some good techniques for strengthening the joints to avoid sprains and twists, and i have methods for healing injuries as well.

I would rather spend my time trying to help and share, then being defensive of someones style or have some ego battle over something silly.


Reads like an advertisement


Thank you for offering your help on strengthening joints and healing injuries. Nobody has ever claimed unique expertise in this area before, let alone condescendingly offered it. How about you post less and lurk around the site more. It will do wonders for our health. And when I say our, I mean the established members of this site.

“Correctly trained martial artist”. Pure arrogance!

shakes head

Why? Your thread was shitty and you didn’t do any work. It was a LOL thread until, Crackfox actually did some good researching.

Grand master sung baek for real? some questions? - No BS MMA and Martial Arts