Apology to Rainfall

I keep calling Rainfall a girl. The avatar had me confused. Rainfall is a man.

My apologies.


No biggie, just wanted to make sure things were clear. :wink:


Kenshin IS A DUDE!!!


This kind of filth would never fly on MAP!

On the subject of avatars, if Veridian hasn’t fled to MAP he should try weaning himself off the Mai Shiranui picture by first changing it to an effiminate man like Benimaru.

Is Cricket a man or a woman?

rainfall isn’t a girl?

No…I’m seriously baffled.

I’m pretty sure Cricket said she was a she.

I’m wondering who “Sasami” is. Never heard of her.

Kenshin is SO gay.

…and Kenshin would be? That avatar? Is that what rainman told me?

Pizdoff, this was your thread, please reread my post on it:


If you read this thread and still thought I was female, I can’t help you…

I guess I will search for a different avatar if it is THAT confusing.

Anyone who thinks Kenshin is gay has some serious issues…

Saw the thread…OUCH!

My apologies, I forgot.

Blankslate, aren’t you a girl as well?

Yes, I thought everyone knew that…sweet cheeks.

Originally posted by Nihilanthic
[B]Kenshin IS A DUDE!!!

Jeeze. [/B]

Yeah but you must admit that to someone that doesn’t know the show he is drawn very feminine looking so it would be an easy error to make. I like the show but they should have made him … well … look more like a man.

I think the way Kenshin is drawn fits perfectly with his character.

He is not macho, not concerned with his image, selfless, good-natured, well meaning… His power comes from his heart (afterall, Kenshin means ‘sword heart’). In this he is undeniably, utterly powerful. Since his strength is from within and not from without, it makes no sense to draw him like say, Senkaku…

But Sharlintier is right… Although when I see the cartoon, all I see is Kenshin, I can see how someone who has never watched it might see a female character.

Originally posted by rainfall
[B]I think the way Kenshin is drawn fits perfectly with his character.

He is not macho, not concerned with his image, selfless, good-natured, well meaning… His power comes from his heart (afterall, Kenshin means ‘sword heart’). In this he is undeniably, utterly powerful. Since his strength is from within and not from without, it makes no sense to draw him like say, Senkaku…

But Sharlintier is right… Although when I see the cartoon, all I see is Kenshin, I can see how someone who has never watched it might see a female character. [/B]

Agreed, it is a great show