Anyone know where I can find adult dolls shaped like farm animals?

And yes I am serious.

I am have been chosen to be the best man at my buddy’s wedding and thus I am in charge of the bachelor party. I have some good shit planned, but to make it even better I would like to buy some inflatable goats, but would settle for sheep.

Might I suggest Fatty Patty/


Might I suggest Fatty Patty/[/quote]

Am I the only one who finds it disturbing that you knew the answer to his question?


Might I suggest Fatty Patty/[/quote]

…Not only did you know that very quickly, but you already had a favorite picked out.


Might I suggest Fatty Patty/[/quote]

Um… NSFW I am assuming?

Actually the first two are OK, the last one shows nudity though.

I am more worried about his dog…

I guess I am the only one to google exactly what he asked for…or is that just a thin facade?

There’s always room for a love ewe

And this is what Bullshido has come to…

Well, leave it up to the BJJ guy to post something this gay…

goes off to call PETA

Six minutes, three sites, and a recommendation? Methinks he doth protest too much.

What is your review of the Fatty Patty.

Personally I have found that sh…errrr…




[quote=Snake Plissken;2161429]What is your review of the Fatty Patty.

Personally I have found that sh…errrr…




Its all about the creative love making. Fuck those normal girls with only three places to go balls deep. I WANT THEM HUNGRY!!!

[quote=Big Dozer;2161019]And yes I am serious.

I am have been chosen to be the best man at my buddy’s wedding and thus I am in charge of the bachelor party. I have some good shit planned, but to make it even better I would like to buy some inflatable goats, but would settle for sheep.[/quote]

If your planning consists of inflatable goats, your definition of “good shit” may be in error.

balls. this thread’s title itself is NSFW. sitting here chortling to myself and my boss walks up. she’s just back from vacation, and talking to me, her eyes keep cutting to my computer screen. after she goes, i realize the title is enormous, splashed across the top of my 22" screen. ah shit, this was a good job…

Too funny! Thankfully I have a door and I demand knockage upon entry. Minimize page and avoid embarrassment…

not me. cube-farm inmate, back to the door. i wonder if i should try to explain? might come out worse…

ah well, thanks bullshido! you’ve liberated another wage-slave! once my now-suspicious boss gets all my internet usage records, i should be free to train all the time. god i love this site.

I figured Sochin would have posted in this thread by now with his vast stores of knowledge and experience.

Peta Todd just changed my life.

Is that an animal-friendly male blow-up doll?