Anyone know of kyokushin in the S. SF Bay Area?

Hi all, apologies if this is the wrong forum for this but I figured it would get more viewage and have a better shot at getting answered here.

Anyway - me and the family are repatriating! (3 of us moved here - 5 of us are moving back - must be something in the water - that or the micro-miniskirted Japanese schoolgirls but I blame the water).

I am looking for a kyokushin school/club/random individuals in the Cupertino (and surrounding) area so I can continue my happy training. I checked with the guys up in Pleasant Hill but they didn’t know of anyone down that way.

Can anyone help a brother out? If I can’t find someplace I might have to resort to gasp Judo…


p.s. thanks but I’m not interested in BJJ/non-kyokushin karate/muay thai/nutgrabbers anonymous in the area… yes I am aware that there are many excellent schools in the area for those styles…

Here’s a link to a gym in south San Jose, don’t really know anything about them but it’s a place to start anyway.

If that doesn’t work here’s a link for a judo school that’s a little closer to you

you might also want to give Dave Camarillo a call , I know he teaches Judo at AKA
but I’m not sure how many days a week as the schedule on his site and the one
on the AKA site are different.

good luck.

Oh and yeah wrong forum.


I know there are guys from California on this board:
That may have something already listed here:

Hi. Apologies for moving this to the wrong forum, but since you feel you’re personally more imporant than everyone else on the site and above the rules, I don’t give a shit and am not really apologizing for moving this.