Anyone Heard of Flowing Combat LA?

I recently got a lesson from Gary, from Flowing Combat, in Santa Monica. I had never done martial arts… it was only an hour, but the stuff is excellent. I have taken a few more lessons, and i find i’m much more confident. Anyone else train with this guy? He is pretty damn quick!



I am not impressed by his death strikes or his inability to translate Xingyiquan.

You have only taken a few lessons, and you joined the site cause you wanted to know if anyone else has heard of him, but yet its in your style field?

Poor attempt to market.

AND Gary was on this site, making a fool of himself, just a few weeks ago.

AND Flowing Combat is not a Western martial art.

[QUOTE=Cgizzle88;2736273]I recently got a lesson from Gary, from Flowing Combat, in Santa Monica. I had never done martial arts… it was only an hour, but the stuff is excellent. I have taken a few more lessons, and i find i’m much more confident. Anyone else train with this guy? He is pretty damn quick!

Dear Sir

In keeping with Phrost’s recent request that we treat newbies with decency and courtesy, may I please point out that you have neglected to refer to Mr. Romel as “the real deal”. All superior instructors must be referred to as such before we are able to behold their epic skills.

I thank you for your time.


The thread I mentioned above:

Thanks, Riv. I need a laugh.


This is no marketing… i’m simply asking who has trained with him on here, make yourself known… all the negativity is ridiculous, really promotes a bad atmosphere here… i suppose that’s what happens sometimes when people have no idea what they are talking about.

2nd lesson in Flowing Combat and feeling pretty good about it.

[QUOTE=Cgizzle88;2736627]This is no marketing… i’m simply asking who has trained with him on here, make yourself known… all the negativity is ridiculous, really promotes a bad atmosphere here… i suppose that’s what happens sometimes when people have no idea what they are talking about.

2nd lesson in Flowing Combat and feeling pretty good about it.[/QUOTE]

You already said in your previous post that you had taken an initial lesson, and then taken a few more after that. Now you are saying that you just took your second?

[QUOTE=Chili Pepper;2736322]Dear Sir

In keeping with Phrost’s recent request that we treat newbies with decency and courtesy, may I please point out that you have neglected to refer to Mr. Romel as “the real deal”. All superior instructors must be referred to as such before we are able to behold their epic skills.

I thank you for your time.

Not sure what this means… i’ll just take it as you have no clue what Flowing Combat is about…? It’s a nice art… u should look into it.


[QUOTE=Chili Pepper;2736322]Dear Sir

In keeping with Phrost’s recent request that we treat newbies with decency and courtesy, may I please point out that you have neglected to refer to Mr. Romel as “the real deal”. All superior instructors must be referred to as such before we are able to behold their epic skills.

I thank you for your time.

Not sure what this means… i’ll just take it as you have no clue what Flowing Combat is about…? It’s a nice art… u should look into it.

[QUOTE=soldiermedic25;2736290]You have only taken a few lessons, and you joined the site cause you wanted to know if anyone else has heard of him, but yet its in your style field?

Poor attempt to market.[/QUOTE]

Of course it’s in the style field… i took one lesson so that is the style im learning… how hard is that to comprehend?

Why all the negativity everyone? Last time i checked all the guys i know that do martial arts are very positive people…

[QUOTE=Rivington;2736294]AND Gary was on this site, making a fool of himself, just a few weeks ago.

AND Flowing Combat is not a Western martial art.[/QUOTE]

What do you mean making a fool of himself? I need details… Also shouldn’t it be a western martial art because it’s a western take on the chinese arts? Not following there.


[QUOTE=Cgizzle88;2736632]Not sure what this means… i’ll just take it as you have no clue what Flowing Combat is about…? It’s a nice art… u should look into it.[/QUOTE]

It means you are not the first person to come here and give an unsolicited and pandering opinion of an instructor who has been dissected on this site. Typically they use the term “the real deal” to sell us - it’s become an indicator for me at least.

I’ve no first hand knowledge of Flowing Combat, but certainly I’ve seen enough of Mr. Romel’s videos to judge his skills as … sub-optimal.

[QUOTE=Cgizzle88;2736631]Not sure what this means… i’ll just take it as you have no clue what Flowing Combat is about…? It’s a nice art… u should look into it.[/QUOTE]

I’ve looked into it enough to know that there are much better people to spend my time training with…not people who demonstrate principles they really don’t seem to understand against attackers who don’t even understand how to feed a technique.

[QUOTE=Cgizzle88;2736637]Of course it’s in the style field… i took one lesson so that is the style im learning… how hard is that to comprehend?

Why all the negativity everyone? Last time i checked all the guys i know that do martial arts are very positive people…[/QUOTE]

In the social service field we call this being “willfully obtuse”.

If training in “flowing combat” makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, then do it. Don’t look for validation on the bullshido, because you will not find it.

Don’t think of it as negativity, think of it as very honest opinions from people who were at one time in your position.

i suppose that’s what happens sometimes when people have no idea what they are talking about[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Cgizzle88;2736637]how hard is that to comprehend?[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Cgizzle88;2736631]i’ll just take it as you have no clue what Flowing Combat is about.[/QUOTE]

Why all the negativity everyone?[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Cgizzle88;2736627]all the negativity is ridiculous[/QUOTE]

Yes, you have no clue, don’t know what you’re talking about, are full of negativity, and completely ridiculous.

Is Gary that AWACs guy who brags about his security clearances and lies about being a combat veteran?

[QUOTE=soldiermedic25;2736629]You already said in your previous post that you had taken an initial lesson, and then taken a few more after that. Now you are saying that you just took your second?[/QUOTE]

People are so technical on here… seriously, like robots… are there any humans on here? What that means basically is, im a noob to martial arts. Whether i said “on my 4th lesson and loving it” or on my “2nd lesson and feeling good” it’s the same point…

[QUOTE=Chili Pepper;2736662]It means you are not the first person to come here and give an unsolicited and pandering opinion of an instructor who has been dissected on this site. Typically they use the term “the real deal” to sell us - it’s become an indicator for me at least.

I’ve no first hand knowledge of Flowing Combat, but certainly I’ve seen enough of Mr. Romel’s videos to judge his skills as … sub-optimal.[/QUOTE]

Are your skills better by chance? If so where is your material i would like to see what ur talking about.


[QUOTE=Cgizzle88;2736641]What do you mean making a fool of himself? I need details…[/quote]

Here’s the link again:…=117840&page=1

Also shouldn’t it be a western martial art because it’s a western take on the chinese arts? Not following there.

As far as I can tell, he’s teaching unreconstructed CMA drills, and has simply rebranded them as his own thing, despite having no lineage worth mentioning, and no skill that one cannot find in any YMCA in this country, or in any park in East Asia.