Anyone Else Think KungFoolss is a JOKE?

“I looked at my asshole in the mirror today. It blew my fuckin’ mind!” - Adamm Sandler

well said, adam, well said. Now today, i think we have all, as a board, metaphysically seen our OWN assholes, and our minds have been blown harder than a trombone-player’s husband. As the rolls to a close, i only hope that we can put all this asshole business behind us, and focus on a more pressing issue: the size of Kungfoolss penis.

hey fisting yourself into orgasm, i mean kittens. you dikk likk. pm me with your contact info and i will call you. i am hereby requesting that you become a man.

here is a true man, drd, who has called your bluff, you Mr. Fisting yourself into orgasm, i mean kittens are a BITCH.

you only wish you could have fists, hey kitty boy. i will ride you till no tomorrow

“When attacked insult, and insult to kill”

I’m not sure I even understand what you just said Jamoke.

I have no qualms posting my contact info to people like DRD because I know he’s a real person, who although I think hes an asshole is also a law abiding citizen with a family and a business. I know DRD isn’t going to do something fucked up with my contact info. You, however, give me reason to doubt you are even from this planet. So I’m afraid I must decline your invitation to provide you with contact info. However I will provide you with the contact info for a reputable English as Second Language educational institution. If you go to I’m sure they can help you learn to speak and write the english language.

Shut up and train

okay fisting kittens i will speak in a more controlled way, so you can understand what i am trying to say.

if you want to make comments about others unsolicited and post someones PRIVATE MESSAGE up here, then you deserve to be treated with ZERO (0) respect, and thats what i’m gonna give you.

because you have proven yourself useless and untrustworthy, as you demonstrated by posting someones PM here on the live forum.

“When attacked insult, and insult to kill”


hahahahaha, actually i’m only pizdoff at Dues right now…

“Omega; Back under my bed with you.”

Hard work, Patience, Dedication.

In training to be the superior practitioner.

fisting yourself into orgasm, i mean kittens

Okay, that one was the straw that broke the Chaldean’s back. I think I’ve done a damn good job so far of holding my tongue whenever you try one of your patened “Jamoke SLAMS!”, as I call them. Unfortunately, I simply cannot remain silent any longer. As such, I’ve whipped up a reference sheet for you. This way, whenever someone pisses you off (and let’s be honest; eventually, you’re going to make mortal enemies with every single poster here) you don’t need to waste time thinking of a “witty” nickname.

Peedee Shaolin: PEEPEE Shaolin
JKD Chick: JKD Prick
Boyd: Yo! Noid
Wastrel: Rascal
Pizdoff: Pissing in your mom’s coffin
DRD: Dodongo Really Dislikes (smoke)
Rising Phoenix: Falling bird shit
Grego: Steve-O
Osiris: Anubis
Asia: Eurasia
Phrost: Permaphrost
Jamoke: Jamoke

Okay, I’ll admit, a lot of those sucked. I really didn’t want to delve too deeply into Jamoke’s mind, because frankly, I just saw Red Dragon again. I don’t wanna end up like Ed Norton, staring into the abyss for so long the abyss and I begin a tawdry, doomed relationship.

Fisting Kittens feels that I wronged him in the thread he referenced, and even though it would not open for me, if he feels I wronged him he is due an apology from me.

I apologize to you FK, for wronging you. I do not remember the incidence or why I said whatever it was, but that is beside the point. Whatever it was was wrong if it caused you to feel insulted or otherwise. I hope you will accept my apology.

How you feel for me as a person is still defended and respected by me as your right. I do however feel you have totally mis-read me and my intentions towards those who scream fraud willy nilly. I want for them to stop for them and their benefit as I have said many times.

I said the rest in PM to you.

Also, I have no problem with anyone posting anything I say in PM. I mean what I say and am not ashamed of it. The only reason I stayed after the post to Dochter was because I changed to not responding to the normal troll, and only to direct attack against my name. I will not defend standing up for my good name. That I will always do.

And let me try to make one thing clear. I do not issue challenges, I offer for those who trash the people or the arts a place to come to prove whatever theory they are espousing that week.

Not to beat them up, or anything negative, rather a forum for them to test themselves, their claims, and accusation of us being keyboard warriors.

Thus the real name and real address, and the fact that I always state they will be treated with respect according to how they act. That has never been intended as bullying, just standing up for what I believe.


Ocircus was better.

“If martial arts are about sex, the kata must be masturbation.” Fighty McGee

Osiris -
“Kungfoolss is an asshole. Surely you can see that.”

Ray Charles can see that.

Lets go back to slamming KF’s

“My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right.”
Ashleigh Brilliant

If there is a fight, you guys should videotape it and send it into the “fights” section of the clips section of this site. That would actually be pretty cool, if there was a section in the video clips section of forum posters versus each other. Oh man… After reading what I’ve typed so far, I’ve typed the word “section” so many times reading it is giving me a headache…

Nothing is better than Ocircus, and I intentionally gave myself the best name

just to add a quick thought to JDS, what if you posted member’s win-loss record with their points and stuff, would make it easy to tell who has the right to talk shit

I’m still trying to figure out why Kungfools still calls himself the most feared man on Bullshido when he knows I am.

Omega, I suppose when you get these sorts of Fear-driven threads once a month as I do, then you can claim the title. (Chuckles)

I put forth this:

In a laboratory in my city, there are some of the best minds on the planet working to regenerate damaged brains.

They will one day succeed, enabling me to live a “normal” life.

The pill to cure being an inbred fuckwit was invented sometime in the 1940’s. It involves cyanide.

Sure, I have damage to my motor centres, driving my movement, but what excuses “fuckwittism”? Brain damage is a legitimate excuse, being a hick isn’t.

I propose that KFSS fights Phil Elmore; they hate each other, Phil Elmore is a “stylist” bogeyman and they both feel they could defeat the other.

If Elmore wins, the Kempo is good, if KFSS wins then SCARS is good. If one of them literally backstabs the other before the bout, then the assassin was way ahead of his opponent and deserves praise.

Of course, it is entirely possible, and quite believeable, that KFSS is using us all as his social lab rats in a larger scheme, as he is studying human hostility on the Internet, or some similar scheme.

Would I fight anyone on this forum in real life? No. Would I wait until an opponent’s back was turned and bite off their ear in my daily life? Sure thing, if I had to.

I came to this forum as a person interested in the theory of MA from around the world, and as a person interested in the theory, history and practise of MA, especially African MA.

I remain simply that.

A 6th dan black belt in bastardry.

“Damn you! You dirty fighter.” My sparring partner, also disabled, recovering from being bitten.

boyd, they are FAR to lame for me to use. sorry, i must decline your material. it is FAR to softcore.

thanks anyways

“When attacked insult, and insult to kill”

Back on topic…

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Kungfools who?
(I got nuthin’)

A man walks into a bar…
Kungfools (not very good)

A minister, a priest, and a rabbi go into a dojo.
Kungfools’ (That kinda works, in a zen sort of way)

My conclusion, Kungfools can only a joke when one is on a path to spiritual enlightenment. Otherwise, no, he’s not.

“Omega, I suppose when you get these sorts of Fear-driven threads once a month as I do, then you can claim the title. (Chuckles)”
-The Great One, The Unholy Prophet Kungfoolss

“Of course, it is entirely possible, and quite believeable, that KFSS is using us all as his social lab rats in a larger scheme, as he is studying human hostility on the Internet, or some similar scheme.”
-Angry Spastic

These two quotes made the situation clear for me. It isn’t that The Great One, the Unholy Prophet, is studying us (his all-encompassing attention, miles beyond simple ‘intellect’ has no need for mundane ‘facts’), rather he is up to something much more impressive…

He is attempting nothing less than changing the very nature of reality! 2+2=5! By his telling us that this thread was “Fear-driven” (seemingly inappropriate capitalization courtesy of the Great One), he is letting us know that that is what we are to believe that the pathetic contempt shown for his unholy mission on this board really, truly is from now on. No more contempt, no more disgust, no more antipathy, all we feel is fear… fear… fear… all we feel is f e a r…

Get it? He is reaching into our computers and changing the wiring of our very psyches themselves. Red is blue, dogs are cats, peas are beans…

The Great One has stated elsewhere that he has a lot of respect for Lucifer the “Light Bringer,” I can only guess that his machinations in aid of having us all swimming in a sea of fear, fear he has simply assigned to us for no apparent, ‘rational’ reason, somehow serves what he perceives to be that which Lucifer “Father of Lies” wishes for his stay on this miserable plane.

That seems a big assignment for one little Cracker! But it looks as if the Autoreflexomalicious One is up to it.

Remember, all you feel is fear… all you feel is fear… all you feel is fear…

Grim, hard, cold words, heartless and miserable. The night was railing against the morning of which it was bereaved, and the cold was cursing the warmth for which it hungered.

we should call KFSS “chuckles”

Hard work, Patience, Dedication.
In training to be the superior practitioner.

Only the insane start off with chain punches.


I’m still trying to figure out why Kungfools still calls himself the most feared man on Bullshido when he knows I am.

Omega, I suppose when you get these sorts of Fear-driven threads once a month as I do, then you can claim the title. (Chuckles)

Kungfoolss, Scourge of the theory-based stylists, Most Feared man at, creator of the Kungfoolss Darwinian Awards, and the Preeminent Force in the martial arts political arena"

(chuckles) I knew I would say that! I am so good at predicting stylisticalistic responses that I have developed a preternatural ability to even predict SCARS (not-a-style) practitioners! I am truly fearsome! In fact, I am so fearsome that I need to sleep with 3 nightlights on and my Carebears blanket over my head, just in case I inspire terror in myself! At this very moment I am simultaneously shimmering with raw menace and abject terror. My Auto-eroto-asphixi-ecclesiastimatic abilities are so sharpened, that not only do I radiate a 100 miles in diameter Orb of Fear, but I have also claimed ownership of the very word “fear” and have redesignated it as a proper noun, hereby known as Fear. In fact, you know those “No Fear” and “Fear This” car window stickers, that mulleted drivers favor? Well, those were my idea! I am Feartabulously Feartacular!

(chuckles, glowers, cowers, shivers, chuckles, glares menacingly, feels the raw power coursing through nerves and muscles like an orgasmic electrical charge, chuckles)

Kungfoolss, the prefontaine anti-stylist with a cool, shiny pompadour wig, and the most autoreflexomalicious poster on

Edited to inspire Fear.

Edited by - Fighty McGee on June 19 2003 11:00:21

It looks like KUNGFOOLISH HAS BEEN OWNED!!! Ha, ha, ha!!!