“Omega, I suppose when you get these sorts of Fear-driven threads once a month as I do, then you can claim the title. (Chuckles)”
-The Great One, The Unholy Prophet Kungfoolss
“Of course, it is entirely possible, and quite believeable, that KFSS is using us all as his social lab rats in a larger scheme, as he is studying human hostility on the Internet, or some similar scheme.”
-Angry Spastic
These two quotes made the situation clear for me. It isn’t that The Great One, the Unholy Prophet, is studying us (his all-encompassing attention, miles beyond simple ‘intellect’ has no need for mundane ‘facts’), rather he is up to something much more impressive…
He is attempting nothing less than changing the very nature of reality! 2+2=5! By his telling us that this thread was “Fear-driven” (seemingly inappropriate capitalization courtesy of the Great One), he is letting us know that that is what we are to believe that the pathetic contempt shown for his unholy mission on this board really, truly is from now on. No more contempt, no more disgust, no more antipathy, all we feel is fear… fear… fear… all we feel is f e a r…
Get it? He is reaching into our computers and changing the wiring of our very psyches themselves. Red is blue, dogs are cats, peas are beans…
The Great One has stated elsewhere that he has a lot of respect for Lucifer the “Light Bringer,” I can only guess that his machinations in aid of having us all swimming in a sea of fear, fear he has simply assigned to us for no apparent, ‘rational’ reason, somehow serves what he perceives to be that which Lucifer “Father of Lies” wishes for his stay on this miserable plane.
That seems a big assignment for one little Cracker! But it looks as if the Autoreflexomalicious One is up to it.
Remember, all you feel is fear… all you feel is fear… all you feel is fear…
Grim, hard, cold words, heartless and miserable. The night was railing against the morning of which it was bereaved, and the cold was cursing the warmth for which it hungered.