Anyone Else Think KungFoolss is a JOKE?

Firstly, I think everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, but opposing views are also allowed. Here is mine…

KungFoolss is a sad, pathetic, martial-arts dropout wannabe who couldn’t stay the difficult course of cultivating his martial arts. Instead, he falls into an even more cult-like program called SCABS, which seems to have one invalid purpose. Since I know no other SCABS proponents, I have to judge its practitioners by his (KF’s) actions.

They must be a sorry bunch if most of their time is spent spearheading anti-TMA propaganda. I mean think about it kids; this guy spends much of his free time posting NEGATIVE TMA posts right? Is he really accomplishing anything? Has he proven anything? Does he have anything original to say besides bashing (which is always easy to do)? I’d say no. To me, and it seems obvious, he must be a very sad and lonely man (as I have stated in some of his other posts). If I believed in a god I would pray for him, but since I don’t I hope he seeks out therapy! Maybe his mother will up his allowance, which will allow him to get out of the house more often. You never know, it might help! Maybe he’d even find a girlfriend or a boyfriend. How 'bout just a friend even? Once again, he has every right to post what he posts, but he also has to be willing to take the criticism.

Lastly, I have read some of his posts but will no longer do so. What’s the point? They all say basically the same thing. I know other people may agree with his misguided views (even the admin, apparently) but now I’m curious if anyone else on this forum thinks the way I do. Let your voices be heard my anti-KFs Bullshido friends. Speak or forever endure his doltish negativity. Maybe, just maybe, he might even leave this board and go back to his own retarded forum. I’m sure there is at least 3 or 4 people on his SCABS board right now, and hey, they might even support his sad ass.

Peace KFs, Good luck in your endeavors! You sure are going to need it.

Edited by - balloonknot on June 18 2003 08:28:09

Edited by - balloonknot on June 19 2003 08:49:36


Hard work, Patience, Dedication.

There are lots of people that I despise on here. Kungfoolss, DRD, Jamoke, etc. Doesn’t mean I have to read their posts or anything, and it doesn’t mean you have to either. But they CAN be amusing, I mean take this post here for example, Kungfoolss will likely reply with something fairly funny, DRD will try and sue me, and Jamoke will threaten me “with a war I could never handle” or some such shit. Sometimes I think that they are all chat bots who can only pursue one line of reasoning, and have rote responses to ANY post.

Shut up and train

Here is how Kungfoolss will respond:

“Firstly, I think everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, but opposing views are also allowed. Here is mine…”


“KungFoolss is a sad, pathetic, martial-arts dropout wannabe who couldn’t stay the difficult course of cultivating his martial arts. Instead, he falls into an even more cult-like program called SCABS, which seems to have one invalid purpose. Since I know no other SCABS proponents, I have to judge its practitioners by his (KF’s) actions.”

You are obviously a foriegner or a minority! You need to go back to high school. (chuckles) Oh, you are so inferior.

“They must be a sorry bunch if most of their time is spent spearheading anti-TMA propaganda. I mean think about it kids; this guy spends much of his free time posting NEGATIVE TMA posts right? Is he really accomplishing anything? Has he proven anything? Does he have anything original to say besides bashing (which is always easy to do)? I’d say no. To me, and it seems obvious, he must be a very sad and lonely man (as I have stated in some of his other posts). If I believed in a god I would pray for him, but since I don’t I hope he seeks out therapy! Maybe his mother will up his allowance, which will allow him to get out of the house more often. You never know, it might help! Maybe he’d even find a girlfriend or a boyfriend. How 'bout just a friend even? Once again, he has every right to post what he posts, but he also has to be willing to take the criticism.”

Just what I thought, a godless athiest. (chuckles)

“Lastly, I have read some of his posts but will no longer do so. What’s the point? They all say basically the same thing. I know other people may agree with his misguided views (even the admin, apparently) but now I’m curious if anyone else on this forum thinks the way I do. Let your voices be heard my anti-KFs Bullshido friends. Speak or forever endure his doltish negativity. Maybe, just maybe, he might even leave this board and go back to his own retarded forum. I’m sure there is at least 3 or 4 people on his SCABS board right now, and hey, they might even support his sad ass.”

(chuckles) You stylists are all out to get me, but since you are so inferior and probably foreign or on welfare, it makes no difference. Your sad stylistic endeavors will never touch me. Only I have received the pure beams of autokinematicalistic directly into my hypothalamus, wherein they have taken root and allowed me an innate understanding of things that I have never tried first-hand.

“Peace KFs, Good luck in your endeavors!”


Kungfoolss, the prefontaine anti-stylist with a cool, shiny pompadour wig, and the most autoreflexomalicious poster on





LOL indeed! I knew, through deep knowledge of ottovonbismarckenisis, that would be your response, allowing a +2 centimeter dilation of your nostrils, thereby enabling me to see up your nose, and into your frontal lobe, where I can determine by its withered state that you are yet another pitiful stylist, and possibly a prostitute or busboy. (chuckles)

Kungfoolss, the prefontaine anti-stylist with a cool, shiny pompadour wig, and the most autoreflexomalicious poster on

Fisting yourself; You are a child with a mouth who does not deserve a response from men.

And as far as Kuntfools goes, anyone who cannot figure our he is fake is not martial educated.

Hey maybe Kuntfolls and Fisting yourself are the same. Same intellect, same false bravado, same teenage BS. Who know’s.

The main problem with the fist boy is that he feels validated by claiming two BB’s and a third equivilency in a style without belts. Liar Liar.

He like most fakes is highly predictable, and scared silly of real men. I’ve seen him dozens of times under other names, and they all failed at what we do. Just feel sad for those type.

Back to ignoring the fistings and the Kuntfools of the world.


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA damn I lost the bet on getting sued, but I still got the rote response I expected. DRD you crack me up. BTW dude my response to your silly ass challenge still stands. If you come to me I’ll throw down with you. I’m sure you’re aching to get out of the podunk shithole you live in and go to a real city, so PM me and I’ll give you my digits/address. But your lawyer can’t fight me for you so I know I’ll never see you in Austin.

Shut up and train


Shut up and train

Oh wait here are some fun bits from a DRD pm from awhile ago:

“Weird how it works sometimes. I opened PM to send you one to say I admired your manliness in disliking me publicly vs what bjj is doing. I have taught far to long to not know when I’m dealing with a man. I of course am sorry for how you feel, but like you, will defend your right to dislike me to anyone.”

"Anyway, you have my respect even intensely disliking me because of how you do it.

I guess you and some others took me posting where I am and all about how to contact me as arrogant. Never ever meant it that way. Just feel that I am willing to stand by my word as Donald R Dalton and am not ashamed to say it when called a fraud.

As I told Dochter when he said he did not like me, I don’t fit here, but do not want to leave before it is on my terms of not being run off by a troll in hiding. I will be gone as soon as I figure out how to best do it.

Thank you for being a man. I have numbers your age in class, and appreciate your standing tall in your beliefs."

So what happened DRD? I haven’t said anything different since then. Same old posts same old shit? Did I actually get to you?

Shut up and train

You certainly have said something different since then. Read your post above.

You have your PM little man. I have never changed my stance on respecting someone for disliking me, and still don’t. You said in your other post that you would give your contact information and if my attorney could not be the one to throw down with you that I would not show.

That is a different deal. Still agree with not liking someone and saying it without calling them a fraud, but will stand firm with an invite you say I will not take. So lets deal with your invite young man.


I’m still trying to figure out why Kungfools still calls himself the most feared man on Bullshido when he knows I am.

Go away I’m talking to myself

FK, I am awaiting your digits/address, and phone number, even a pay phone number will be helpful. I don’t recall the challenge you claim I made to you, unless it is the open invitation for trolls and posers to come here to prove themselves, but I do accept yours. We can easily take this offsite now and work out the details together.


Please supply yours,


Hey DRD all that heavy breathing messages that you get are me. Thought I’d let you off the hook…bwhahaahahahaahaaha

See everybody fears me!!!

Go away I’m talking to myself

I don’t recall the challenge you claim I made to you

Glad to see I’m not the only one who is confused.
My first thought was ‘did I miss something, when did FK and DRD start challenging each other!?’

El Guapo says, "“You can buy muscles, but you can’t buy COJONES!”

Omega; Back under my bed with you.

Finger: I don’t make a habit of challenging anyone. I do make a habit of being avialable to those who seek to prove themselves with written claims and at least I do it in real life time.

FK has had a hardon for me for a long time and I have always supported his feelings as witnessed by my PM to him, and still do.

I do not support his ascertion that I will not show where he calls for with out someone to handle my issue for me. That is a serious misread of who I am.

I still await the information he said he is going to send me. Let me resend mine for him so we will be on even ground.

Donald R Dalton

29 Callaway Rd
Gurdon, Ar “Not Shithole”


Your two BB’s and your third equivalent should make short work of me. I am giving you your opportunity to do so. You laid it out sonny, now stand behind it in real time, real world, real life, or go back to flaming your better’s.


I think you let Kungfools get to you all way to much. Its seems your losing lots of sleep over his posts. SCARS is not really a fighting system to me. I believe its more of a fighting philosphy and stratagy. He has brought out some excellent points on many of his posts, and the martial arts stories he has posted I have found them to be pretty funny. Also He has never claimed to be a martial artist, and would probably be insulted if you did call him one. If you really have a problem with him then why not confront him on the issue at hand through the posts. Instead of just calling him, and other SCARS practioners names. If what he is posting is just BS like you claim then confront him on the facts. Insulting him or other SCARS people on a personal level is just showing how futal your arguement is.

PM Sent, BTW DRD as for the whole attourney line that was clearly a joke referring to your widely known litigious nature. However, I believe your “Liar, Liar” line in regards to me is slightly more on the side of calling fraud. Just thought Id point that out.

Shut up and train

Edit: DRD challenged me in the old thread where Kai got gangbanged. I wanted to go spar Kai, and DRD challenged me, then insulted me a lot too. It was all good fun.

Thread can be found here:

this is where I stopped simply disliking DRD and grew to detest him.

Edited by - fisting kittens on June 18 2003 21:18:52

Kungfoolss is an asshole. Surely you can see that.

“If martial arts are about sex, the kata must be masturbation.” Fighty McGee