Anybody Brew Their Own Beer????

Anyboy else brew thier own beer on here or are you all just content to guzzel the piss water that american brewers and importers provide for us???

If anybody is interested in gettin into brewing I can help you get set up with the cheapest set up, and no I aint on any payroll. Advice only.

Brewed a “Newcastle” brown ale once and a spider escaping the terrors of the oven fan dropped into the wart while it was boiling. We called it “Spider Brew” after that but should have called it “Spider Poo Brew” because of it’s laxative like qualities. Tasty… and good for constipation relief if you get where I’m going.

Spidey Pooski sounds like a cool brew…

A lot of yeast strains tend to promote bowel movements. You’ll notice this a little in unfiltered or bottle-conditioned beer, but homebrewing is where you really notice it.

Supposedly, people get used to it over time. Me, I already poop enough.

It’s kind of a waste of time…using the extracts at least.

I could get into the more genuine method, though. But that’s an 8 hour day and some relatively sophisticated hardware.

You don’t need to be 21 to buy the beer making supplies. Needless to say, I used to brew a lot when I was younger. It is a lot of fun, and kinda messy. I would usually have 2-3 different beers fermenting at the same time and at different points of the beer making process. That way I would be bottling about 4-5 gallons of beer every week.

Water is the most important ingredient on the taste that most people forget or gloss over. It isn’t like you are making pasta, so usually tap water isn’t gonna do it for you. Get some good clear spring water from the store. The other parts are just what you like for taste. I used to change taste depending on the time of year. In the late spring I would be brewing pilsners and pale ales for the summer heat. End of summer I would be doing more brown ales for October Fest. By late fall the Stouts, Lagers, and Porters would come out for cold winter to accompany beed stews and pot roasts.

Most home brew stores will sell kits. I would start with that and then do several batches before moving on to mixing and matching ingredients. After you get good, PM me and I’ll send you my secret recipe for the best beer ever made - NO KIDDIN. Really is the best beer ever. You will have to send me a few bottles of it when you make it too…part of the trade for the recipe.

Have fun!

I’ll say this though.

The best smell, and I mean EVER, is the C02 coming outta the carboys.

I bought a kit from a well-known UK chain-store and tried it once in college, and followed the exact instructions. To the letter. Sterilized the equipment the way it said I should, stored it in the sort of place it said to store it, everything.

It turned into rancid greeny-brown froth, presumably from mold-spores of some kind getting in there. What did I do wrong ?

I’m currently brewing a german style dark ale. It’s actually really easy and inexpensive once you have the hardware.

I think I have maybe 100 dollars invested in my brewing set-up and I can crank out 5 gallons a week. I just finished a honey porter and next up is a spruce ale.

Hmmmm. If all of your equipment was sterile, and there was no access to outside air, then there shouldn’t be any infection of your beer. There had to be something that happened along the way that caused it to become infected.

I used iodine to sterilize. I know some people use bleach - it is just more work I think. Be sure you have enough iodine when you clean your stuff. Boil all the ingredients for the correct amount of time. Make sure the water you add to your mix is good water (bottled.) Be sure that the primary fermentation unit is sterile. The vapor lock functions properly. Same process with the secondary fermentation and the bottles.

Starsan works really well for a no rinse sterilizer.

Didn’t read rest of thread. Saw this post. Must respond. Slightly tispy.

My friennd ad I are going to homebrew in our dorm come Fall. We’ll start off with a book that tells us how to do an Amber Ale then try to move on to a porter because I love porters and my school’s name is funny.

It’s Assumption College. We will thus name it “Ass Beer” and having beer that looks (in bottles) like turds would make it all the better.

And Guinness is NOT Piss water thank you verdy much.:new_cussi

Ass Beer huh? I can send you the recipe for my spider brew if it’s ass beer you’re looking for. It went straight from my mouth to my ass.

Hahahaha I would but our dining hall isn’t called “Ten Minute Taylor” for no reason. And I’d actually like to find a really nice porter or stout recipe (once I get good) and keep it a secret under the wierd name because I love stouts/porters.

Sounds as if he picked up something while cooling the wort that got established and out competed the yeast. That or it was a shit recipe.

me and my homeboy made a pomegranate ale with one of those “mr beers” and it was a rousing success. I think a light pilsner was the base, but we put so much pom and sugar in it that it was like, 40 proof.

We called it “Six pack ale” because each bottle was like a six pack. After drinking three or four, we changed the name to “Fruityass panty crowbar potion”

We think we’ve fully explored the Mr Beer’s potential and want something bigger -what’s your setup like?

Also IRT whorian, there’s some other sterilizers you can use that aren’t as potential harsh in taste or harmful to your wanted organisms.

Good to know. I don’t brew anymore. The brew shop recommended deluted iodine. So that is what I used.

I’ ve been brewing full mash for about 12 years and in October I’m moving to Edinburgh to train as a professional brewer. :slight_smile:

oh cool. When you get established and make a Bullshido Beer be sure to let us know. I’ll buy a case - even if it tastes like Warm Coors.