Answer for Djimbe and TigerFly

Reposted for emphasis. This forum needs a serious dose of common sense every now and then.

Question:NO kidding - how did a string on the Rundown turn into a teeny bopper name calling string with no point what so ever?


If you are a relatively new arrival to a bulletin board, do not simultaneously get overly sensitive about gentle style ribbing AND call a 220lb man small and boast that his Baji is ‘not at [your] level’.

Especially when you have not offered an equivalent demonstration of your own skill.

And especially when that man is Asia.

You deserve to get flamed for that. And you should get flamed again for acting all puzzled about it.

Dipshits. Welcome to Bullshido.

“She was a philosopher. Objectivism was the basis of medieval philosophy.”

Edited by - The Wastrel on October 06 2003 23:27:45

The Wastrel rises from the grave!!

“I’ve never known so many people so worried about a fight that will never happen.” -The Wastrel R.I.P

Anthony_ A: yeah, she needs a cock up the ass

Well put.

Hard Work, Patience, Dedication

Hard Work, Patience, Dedication

hay d00der quit with the logic and shit.

And why the hell do all of you have so many goddamn posts? I swear, everytime I turn around you have another 1000.

No shit…I was glad to hit a thousand…and I have been here for longer than most.


Asia get on MSN

“I’ve never known so many people so worried about a fight that will never happen.” -The Wastrel R.I.P

Anthony_ A: yeah, she needs a cock up the ass

I’m at work.

<img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle>

“I’ve never known so many people so worried about a fight that will never happen.” -The Wastrel R.I.P

Anthony_ A: yeah, she needs a cock up the ass

After reading several threads I actually like Djimbe and Tigerfly. Rather colorful duo. We can always use color around here.

Can’t wait for a McThrowdown with them in attendance.


No one asked you a Question .

If you are a relatively new arrival to a bulletin board,

An Intelligent person would realise that someones arrival on an Internet Message board relates in no way whatsoever to their Abilities as a Martial Artist , nor to their Size .

If , Dog , Rabbit …

do not simultaneously get overly sensitive about gentle style ribbing

Firstly , no mention was made of my Actual System , as none of you seem to even know hat I have Study in , you just know that “Its Chinese” and on that basis alone I caught a bunch of Bullshit . You dont like getting called on your biggoted horsepucky , stop with the Shenanegins . Otherwise , Ill continue to Call it like I See it , thank you . I said before :

Seriously , if this Site is supposed to be Abrasive , then it can TAKE a little Abrasion , as well , no ? And if its supposed to be about Shaking Up Preconcieved Notions , then I think that there are a couple of Preconcieved Notions floating around HERE that could stand a Shake or Two .

so why Type it again ?

AND call a 220lb man small

Umm , to me , he IS Small . Theres nothing to be done about that . Hes as small to me as a 150lb guy is to him . Size is Relative , its a Statement of Fact . I think I weighed 220 when I was 14 or so . Perhaps 13 , I cant really Recall …

and boast that his Baji is ‘not at [your] level’.

It (What I said) was a Fair Assessment , even though you Misquoted me dearly . I dont think that this would be such an Issue if he hadnt been the only personage that a fat lot of Biggots like yourself has ever seen using a Chinese system that works consistently in application against Resisting Opponents .

No , that “Biggot” Comment dosent refer to everyone on the Site , but you know who you are

Especially when you have not offered an equivalent demonstration of your own skill.

Hmmm , and Ill be there at the earliest Convenience , Bright And Sunny ! Not having “Proof” of an intellectiual Assessment dosent mean anything , ecept that I may not own a Vidcam , or may not know how to put Vids on the Internet , etc. . You going to Roust me for being a Broke Musician ? Wont be the First time ! For NOT beng Computer-Nerd enough for you ? oooh . I may get around to feeling bad about that in the next decade …

And especially when that man is Asia.

See above . And although from what I gather asia is one of the more Intelligent Posters here , and more Respectful , a little less Nutriding might be considered on your part .

You deserve to get flamed for that. And you should get flamed again for acting all puzzled about it.

Mah , you arent even very good at it . At the least Boyed had an Imagination about him - though it was likley just what happened to him one day . I popose a class in basic Logic function for you , or perhaps deductive reasoning …

Hrm. No. Give up.

It’s “Bigot” not “Biggot” you retarded mongoloid.

Wait, am I missing something here? Am I being called a bigot for making fun of a chinese system?

So what? Fucking chink slopeheads chi cock suckers can kiss my ass.

Instant derision equals bigotry?

Does anyone else see how stupid this is other than me?

Hey Danielle :

You coming to Boston You little Bitch ?

Anthony :

Instant derision of a thing based soleley on the Race of people that spawned it DOES equal Biggotry . Pretty much by Definition , yes .

Djimbe, we don’t hate you because you do a Chinese system (???), we hate you because you’re black. I thought it was pretty obvious.

“He no able punch you…he sad.”

–My Muay Thai instructor, praising the virtues of the technique he was demonstrating.

I popose a class in basic Logic function for you , or perhaps deductive reasoning …

He’s telling Wastrel to take some philosophy courses!!! Does anyone else realise how funny that is??
