Another tale of a school acting to late

I am back in school and in student housing. My roommate turned out to be a fucking psycho. He was crazy possessive over his GF(who lives across the hall) I knew from experience and work with battered women that this would go from mental abuse to physical.

I went to 2 counselors and then 2 reps from student services. One laughed at me and said my roommie wouldnt hurt a fly. Long story short, the girl had, had enough and stood up to the guy and broke it off on thursday. It came to a head on friday, I came back from taking her boxes of stuff to her apartment and find my roommie strangling her. I tackled the guy and held him down and nearly ripped his fucking arm off. I made him pack his shit and get out. He called a cab and left.

I have classes on saturday and was called into the student services office. There that fucker sat clutching his shoulder saying that I thrashed the apartment and beat him up in the process, he claimed he got loose and ran. Luckily after they talked to the GF I was cleared and he was expelled.

It just has me REALLY fucking pissed off that I told these people and went though the proper chanels and they all just sat on their asses. One of the counselers claimed I was just homesick and I was imagening things. It just pisses me off that this couldve been prevented. Hell if I had decided to go to the movies with friends she would most likely be dead right now. I hope they get that fucker for life. FYI, that so called “harmless guy” has 2 assaults on his record. So if they nail him for this or him emptying her bank account or threatening his GF’s kid he will be going away for life.

This probably isn’t the right forum, as it involves something like drama and real life, while this forum is dedicated to drinking and herpes.

Good move there mate (though it’s too, not to). You might write to the student paper? Making the twerps accountable is a hard task.

You can do things, and not that I’m good at it but like I went into Prof. Dan Jones’ office in the polisci dept at U of Utah and told the staff and everyone there how he tried to fuck young coeds. I’m sure he appreciated my comments. But what the hell man, you tried to fuck my friend and now it’s gonna follow you, you hypocrite Mormon asswipe.

When he thrashed the apartment I just took pics and laughed at him. Due to that he was only breaking his stuff. As big as I am most people would rather not try and piss me off. So I had a lot of pictures for our meeting of him wrecking the place. Also the SOB stole her debit card and emptied her account. Real asshole. At least the chick is grateful and her friends adore me. So it should all work out in the end.

plus the cable is in his name and he hasnt shut it off yet. I am gonna order a shit load of PPVs.

Wow you did really well dealing with that. Props. Domestic violence is serious and scary shit.

I don’t think you could have handled that any better. You told the right people and stepped in at the right time without exposing yourself to legal risk.

On the other hand, I kind of feel the same way as fug. I kept waiting to hear you nailed the exgirlfriend and got a nasty rash.

Sounds to me like the situation is under Big Dozer’s control and the payoff is cuming.

[quote=Big Dozer;2108265] At least the chick is grateful and wants to be my sm slave and her friends adore my huge member. So it should all work out and in and out and in the rear end.

plus the cable is in his name and he hasn’t shut it off yet. I am gonna order a shit load of PPVs of lesbian pron that will drive her friends into my clutches [/quote]

I would go back to every one of those people and wave these events and those priors under their noses.

I agree with talk to the student papers. See if they can write an article about it titled ‘Heroic Stud Saves Girl From Psychotic Asshole’ or something.

Hell yeah. In fact, I think if I were to report something like that, I’d want the people to put their opinion in writing just so they couldn’t back-pedal later.

So since this is in LLL, where are the stories about lecherous acts with the newly single and adoring girl?

I was outside of my class just hanging out and this guy walks up to me and asks : “I heard you killed Eric?”. I just explained I caught him strangling the girl, tackled him and threw him out. Then he says: “Yeah I know, its just I figured if you tackled a guy they wouldnt survive” Which made me laugh my ass off. Not to sound shallow, but there is a very good chance I am gonna get some dates out of this.

Shao Kahn Voice Excellent.