Another karate helped her discipline thing

[i]Getting her kicks

By Eiji Yamashita
Sentinel Reporter

HANFORD - Ibadete Leka came out in her indigo karate “dogi” outfit with a black belt and - with apparent flexibility and deftness - began showing the martial art forms as a warm-up.

Leka chops the air with her elbows, jumps, ducks and moves with rhythm and speed as she snaps out her feet in high kicks and then spinning back kicks.

“OK, who wants to fight me now?,” Leka quips and brings some cheer to a tiny crowd of students as she wipes the sweat off her forehead. In mid-May, this was a glimpse caught at one of her workshops at the local YMCA.

Cheerful, short-haired and extremely athletic, Leka is not your average 23-year-old.[/i]

But still, getting shot three times is pretty badass.

Greetings from Iraq

Hello there,

This is Iba - the karate girl form the Hanford magazine that was advertised on 2005,
Just wanted to greet everybody and say “keep up with the great work”…
there is nothing better then martial arts…over here in Iraq I teach it to soldiers and we absolutely enjoy it…
take care and if you have any question, simply ask…:slight_smile:


Whoa, I was just coming to this thread to say I got an email from her. Welcome aboard. Stay safe over there.

An indigo Gi?

Keep up the good work Iba.

Heh, it’s good to google yourself every once in a while.
What are you focusing on when training with the soldiers over there?

Stay safe and hope to see you posting more.

thank you

Yes, a buddy of mine told me about this site and the whole thread, so I decided to thank the staff. Although i didn’t have time on my hands to check the site more, but i promise I will one of this days,
Well, here we teach and train Hand 2Hand combat wich is mixed of martial arts and kickbxing, pretty challenging. There are certain things we focus on to keep our chin up and enemy away from our doorstep. I also teach AB Blast, Now…that is a fun class. Got to keep Troops on awesome shape, we do rock!!!

We shall - thank you

A dozen mixed martial arts fights? I am thinking along the line of mixed as in different karate styles point sparring each other.

Heh, her karate has defense against AK cartridges.

Just find me a pick of her?I bet she’s hot.

You are exceedingly pathetic so no, I will not provide you a ‘pick’ of her.

Had to be said, its the Fark in me.

If you children had any type of online investigate skill you would be able to find it.