....and the Wing Chun Invasion Continues.

the only way you can know if a martial art is truly effective for you, is to try it out for real. If it doesn’t work for you, then it’s not the right martial art for you. The problem with a lot of Wing Chun practictioners out there is they believe their punches are deadly, they believe their strikes can kill. Yes, during sparring sessions they find the open holes and they say “see I could have struck you in the neck, hit you with an elbow, hit you in the kidneys area” but it’s all an illusion unless you actually hit for real. I’ve had friends who trained heavily in wing tsun, wc, vc, etc and asked them to go ahead and punch me without protective gear and most of the time their punches were useless and it didn’t even hurt. The Chain punches would hurt a little bit if I just stood there with my arms down and didn’t move an inch, but that’s not realistic either. Their palm strikes that they considered were so deadly, didn’t even phase me. The advantage of other styles such as wrestling, bjj, jiu jitsu, muay thai is that you can actually see and feel the punches, the holds, the locks, and you know right then and there if something is working. Unless wing chun incorporates full contact sparring in their training regimen it will never be taken seriously as an effective self defence system.

Luckily, that’s not the case.

how can you tell if something is good for you, if you don’t try it out yourself?

If I wanted a good look at a T-Bone, I could stick my head up a bull’s ass, but I’d rather take the butcher’s word for it.

How do you know running around in a circle screaming won’t create a whirlwind of debris that will just blow away all attackers and threatening objects from your person? I mean, if you are a really super fast person, and a total fucking moron, that could actually be your PERFECT MARTIAL ART!

Or maybe you should just have a hot cup of shut the fuck up.

[quote=Gabetuno;2086923]If I wanted a good look at a T-Bone, I could stick my head up a bull’s ass, but I’d rather take the butcher’s word for it.

How do you know running around in a circle screaming won’t create a whirlwind of debris that will just blow away all attackers and threatening objects from your person? I mean, if you are a really super fast person, and a total fucking moron, that could actually be your PERFECT MARTIAL ART!

Or maybe you should just have a hot cup of shut the fuck up.[/quote]

the simple answer to your question is to try it out. If you run around screaming and it doesn’t create a whirlwind of debris, then it obviously doesn’t work.

I know I don’t enjoy getting covered in grease and chased around by lebell’s mom/girlfriend/sister. You don’t have to try something to know its stupid. (Ok well maybe I have done it but it was only once)

Or maybe you just shouldn’t try every dumb shit idea you come across. It’s a waste of time, and if you have to go to a dojo and take a week of classes/buy gear, it’s a waste of money.

You just want someone to do the reading for you. Go to another site, that doesn’t happen here. No free bees, do your research and then come back with an informed opinion, instead of the mouth litter you are wretching all over my monitor.

Philosophical Diarrhea.


[quote=Gabetuno;2086939]Or maybe you just shouldn’t try every dumb shit idea you come across. It’s a waste of time, and if you have to go to a dojo and take a week of classes/buy gear, it’s a waste of money.

You just want someone to do the reading for you. Go to another site, that doesn’t happen here. No free bees, do your research and then come back with an informed opinion, instead of the mouth litter you are wretching all over my monitor.[/quote]

it’s obvious that the litter is originating from you because of the words you’re spewing. You’re not making any sense, and it may because of the steroids, or perhaps the happy people in your brain are giving you a hard time. Don’t know what I said, that has given you cause to try to throw angry words at me. Maybe you’re a good student when it comes to martial arts, but it’s obvious you’re a poor student of life and you definitely have poor character. I don’t know if it stems from some kind of childhood trauma, or if you have some sort of deep rooted self hatred towards yourself but you should perhaps spend less time on the internet and more time improving your state of mind.



Mate, if it’s been proven already either by application or common sense, then it doesn’t need to be reproven by yourself to know it doesn’t work.

A whirlwind by running around doesn’t work by common sense, it doesn’t need to be proven by ACTUALLY running around in a circle to try make one.

WC doesn’t work by application, it doesn’t need to be proven by you actually trying out WC to know it doesn’t work. It’s been proven to not work, many times.

[quote=Onr3e;2086948]Mate, if it’s been proven already either by application or common sense, then it doesn’t need to be reproven by yourself to know it doesn’t work.

A whirlwind by running around doesn’t work by common sense, it doesn’t need to be proven by ACTUALLY running around in a circle to try make one.

WC doesn’t work by application, it doesn’t need to be proven by you actually trying out WC to know it doesn’t work. It’s been proven to not work, many times.[/quote]

see, those other guys could learn a thing or two from you on having a civil conversation.

lmao – do you even know where you are?

[quote=Onr3e;2086960]Well I’m not hiding behind civility because I don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m just civil today cause I’m not pissed yet.

I have however started to submerse myself in some happeh theory videos and I’m getting there.

YMAS isn’t known for civility, the forum description itself encourages bitching so I suggest you get use to it plaz[/quote]

noted. and thank you.

[quote=Onr3e;2086960]Well I’m not hiding behind civility because I don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m just civil today cause I’m not pissed yet.

I have however started to submerse myself in some happeh theory videos and I’m getting there.

YMAS isn’t known for civility, the forum description itself encourages bitching so I suggest you get use to it plaz[/quote]
That’s why I said most :XXsunsmil

if after 20 years of various ma’s and shit (including a very good/working understanding of human anatomy and force applications and all sorts of other background), if after all that I cannot look at Wing Chun and see that it sucks, then I’ve failed.

No to mention the opinion of CMA stylists -far more adept than I-who point out that WC is basically a joke.

Go fight in Sim City/Second Life or whatever.

Now THAT is just a fuckin’ disturbing encouragement act by plaz7.

[quote=plaz7;2086910]how can you tell if something is good for you, if you don’t try it out yourself?[/quote]Sometimes the proof is good enough.

Go ahead and let us know how it turns out for you.

Says a guy who drills for a fight by standing directly in front of his opponent and playing patty cake. Right. No really, your advice matters. Continue.

I don’t take steroids. I’m just do this crazy thing called hard exercise. As for the idea that I’m crazy, I’m not the one who actually ADVOCATED running around in a circle to see if it worked. Oh wait, that doesn’t make you crazy, just an asshole.

Really? I thought I made that pretty clear. Also, words don’t get angry, people do when you spout unwelcome, illogical, and unsolicited opinions.

So you think you can judge my character now, and tell how I do in life based on these posts? I guess that makes you an asshole AND a moron.

Spoken like a true Wing Chunner. If I don’t agree with you, then there must be something intrinsically wrong with me, right? Wrong. Fuck off, and get a clue. Then post. Until then, you get no respect till you’ve earned it.