Ancient Indian Vale Tudo

Thought some people might like to read this article about Vajramushti an Indian verion of nhb-

Great article!

how come all these exotic arts are always taught by some white guy who looks like he should be growing corn in nebraska?

I tell you what though imagine watching these guys beating the shit out of each other with those knuckleduster things, fucken bloody as all hell it would be.

Cool history. Those guys are fucking hardcore.

Originally posted by Jenfucius
how come all these exotic arts are always taught by some white guy who looks like he should be growing corn in nebraska?

Because asian guys who actually look like they should be teaching exotic martial arts have pretty much sewn-up the market for training videos and seminars in asian arts that actually exist. The only way the poor white guy can get into the quasi-religious martial arts guru racket is to just make shit up based on some faded temple carvings he once saw in national geographic/some karate lessons at the local YMCA/a kung fu film.

Give us a break. Everybody has to make a living.

Cool article.

are there any indian fighters in MMA tournaments?

Indian martial arts are mainly practiced in village.Vajramushti is a genuine art like kushti(indian wrestling) .Martialart in general is not very popular in india . Karate, kung fu, TKD, jjj have some popularity in the cities but the original Indian martial arts have little or no popularity in the cities.The original arts are now found mainly in villages very soon these will be extinct due to lack of popularity money etc. Chinese kungfu movies had a great impact and no one now wants to learn Indian martial arts .There may be some Indian in MMA tournaments but they are definitely not from any Indian martial art.

Originally posted by Sean
Indian martial arts are mainly practiced in village.Vajramushti is a genuine art like kushti(indian wrestling) .Martialart in general is not very popular in india . Karate, kung fu, TKD, jjj have some popularity in the cities but the original Indian martial arts have little or no popularity in the cities.The original arts are now found mainly in villages very soon these will be extinct due to lack of popularity money etc. Chinese kungfu movies had a great impact and no one now wants to learn Indian martial arts .There may be some Indian in MMA tournaments but they are definitely not from any Indian martial art.

Pretty much sums it up. Sucks to because wrestling used to be an age old tradition in India but now due to the general populace being brainwashed by cheesy movies “Karate” is the buzz word.

99.999999% of the Indian population has never heard of UFC or Pride so I wouldn’t expect any NHB fighters for a long long time.

Hopefully there be more interests in Indian martail arts. Theres a few Indian Martial art schools on the U.K. I hear. But nothing in North America as of yet. I have seen Indian martail arts some of it looks like wushu mixed in with yoga. Indian wrestling is nice. Looks like North American freestyle wrestling.

John Will kick that ass.

Where can I get a knuckleduster?

my best friend is indian; years ago he told me about these wrestlers in his family’s village in gujarat who would train using these telephone pole things - i guess the sthambhasrama mentioned in the article. they would climb up and down the pole by reverse-bear-hugging it, flipping their legs up and wrapping 'em around it, flipping back up into the bear-hug thing, etc. sounds… challenging. but i guess if you’re training to get punched in the face with a spiked ivory knuckleduster you’re probably up for a challenge.

IIRC, The BBC did a story about 6 months ago, on a guy from India who ran a native martial art association. He seemed to have a lot of students. There was also some documentary on an Australian Channel on Kalaripayat (SP?) another native Indian Martial Art. The flexible sword/whip thing is quite cool to look at.

It would be too bad if these cultural legacies disappear.

Anyway, here’s an article on Gama, a really tough Indian/Pakistani wrestler.

Someone should make some videos of Indian martial arts. I dont beleive theres even one video out there on the subject.

Indian martial arts

Paul Whitrod in London. I have heard he’s rather hard, but have yet to meet him…


The link doesnt work.

I hope you don’t mind Martin, I took the liberty of fixing the link. Thanks for the information.

Thanks for fixing that link!
