analyze me

Dicuss renal secks here.:englishmo :new_321:

Wrong forum. Try or the Liquor Loot and Ladies sub-forum.

I didn’t even think of the liqor loot and ladies forum


New topic: Discuss tharuz’s ban due to making stupid threads about him being stupid.

Only three days?

Right first time Lil, I can’t imagine a thread with this title lasting long in LLL…

Dammit Tharuz

I have come back…


it actually came as a surprise to me.

you’ve never liked me, but believe it or not, I appreciate you and your vast knowledge about supplements and weight training.

It’s not that I don’t like you dude. I don’t even know you, and it could very well be that in real life I’d have a beer with you. It’s simply that I don’t like these type of threads. They are disrupted, borderline sick, and serve no constructive, positive purpose (not even to you). And you know it.

As for my advise on the PT forums, I’m glad you find them useful. I’ll give (and take) advise if it’s within my capacity to/from anyone, but I’ll call shit when I see it.

Take my criticism (or bashing however you want to see it) as an advice… or ignore it. Your call.

Well I think the guy’s a fucking retard, but that’s just me.

Can’t argue with that :tongue3:

I was hearing a story about my brother in law’s ex-wife being a total bitch to her kids…

I came to realize how the world really is…so if people don’t like me, fuck it, that’s their problem not mine.

yes I do realize that it’s my fault too.

Well, as for this thread in particular, I was seeing that there were ymas to post on.

and I felt like being an idiot when I couldn’t come up with anything.

I didn’t think I’d be banned, I kinda avoided the things I had been warned about not doing.

I wasn’t warned about this.

[quote=Iama Douchebag Esq]blah blah blah…quote]

Say hello to the ignore option.

Say hello to the quote function.

Whatever, bitches.

You didn’t think that you’d get banned for making really stupid threads all over Bullshido?? :psyduck:

Cool, so like I can call that certifiable mental fucking retard, multiple-personality, turd-burgerler, shit-stabbing, shirt-lifting fucking faggot anything I like and he can’t see it because I’m supposedly on his ignore list?


Somebody quote me so he gets to see.

Tharuz, you stupid fucking twat, I might be on your ignore list but it won’t stop you from seeing the things I post about you.

Jeez, you’re dumber than a bag of fucking spanners.

Thanks whoever titled this thread.

This is how it came up on the new post link.

Tharuz Analyze me Iama Douchebag Esq

I have had two really good unexpected laughs today. Thanks guys.