Since most of them are gone, I thought I’d compose a tribute to the wonderful contribution they have made to Bullshido:
"I love the Mechanized Attack Squad
They are so very cool
Each member an individual
An individual fool.
First we have Veridian
Who is a jolly chap
No-one knows where he lives
And his karate skills are crap.
Next we have Hannibal
I don’t know why he chose that name
He agrees with whatever’s popular
But in a way that’s oh so lame.
And now we come to Matthius
Who has a nervous twitch
Brought on as a consequence
Of being his Stepdad’s bitch.
Lately there was Tai Gip
An advocate of Chi
With crazy thoughts and typing skills
We thought he was so twee.
Thankfully banned was Strangler
Who started many a thread
Every time we get rid of him
He comes back from the dead.
And lastly there is Alter7nate
A Grandmaster of all arts
But when he started typing
It was all brain farts.
By posting lots of nonsense
They’ve wound up every Mod
And thus have been immortalized
As the Mechanized Attack Squad!"
I thank you.
Gee, I can see where this might end up.
When it comes to cruelty, no one beats the powers of Matsufubu!
By the way, I know Hannibal is still hanging around here somewhere.
Originally posted by Lights Out
When it comes to cruelty, no one beats the powers of Matsufubu!
Heh. Lights Out, meet Omega.
I liked it…
But I have to admit a bit of dissapointment when I got to tai-gip and there wasn’t anything about the legendary bike-fu. sniff
“Oh stop it you meanies”…
buahahaha ^^
Good old fashioned 0wnag3.
Great handy work there SLJ.
Matsufubu, how could you leave out the wedding between Veridian and Hannibal? That was a beautiful bullshido moment . . .
Damn, I knew that body would give it away.
Yeah the stomach is not sticking out. Plus I think Veridian has bigger tits.
Originally posted by MrMcFu
Matsufubu, how could you leave out the wedding between Veridian and Hannibal? That was a beautiful bullshido moment . . .
Write your own friggin’ ode, ass wipe.
I left some things out because there’s so much to say and it could go on forever. Now quit whining and pump some iron.
Ass wipe is a registered trademark of Ronin69, all rights reserved.
That’s pronounced “ass-wee-pay” dick nose.
Shut up, Dongle-Cock, or this’ll go to Trollshido and nobody will read my lovely poem.
It’s going there anyway you freaking Island Monkey