Amp's posting graveyard until he addresses questions in El Macho's thread.

You sound like you want to read BJ Penn’s book.

His style is straight up boxing for stand-up and no kicks. He goes into detail on what he does.

Though, kicks are very good for MMA. Throw them when you’re at angles where he won’t be able to go for the take down (basically when he’s not facing you). And throw them after short combos.

IE jab-cross-hook-thai roundhouse

Bobbing and weaving is good for amateur because depending on the organization most amateurs dont allow knees to the head.

conversely that means that its also ideal to go for dirty boxing in the clinch instead of knees which can only be delivered to the body.

oh and when you block with your forearms, which you should, make sure theres a little space between them and your head otherwise youre pretty much just taking the punch. its best to try to slip. just cover up when youre backed into a corner and cant do anything.

bareknuckel teaches you to hit with your 4 non-thumb fingers vertically on the jab and cross

but modern boxing definately teaches you to hit with your two top knuckels

When you sparr do you train with takedowns?

I’ve found that when I try to do that, I get taken down easily.

My stance is somewhat of a hybrid between boxing and muay thai. I’ve got the muay thai angle going on between my front and back foot but my back foot is pointed forward more like a boxer.

w/e ill just spam to 100 posts so i can pm you where i train @

spam to 100 posts for pm privalages!

1spam to 100 posts for pm privalages!

Amp, are you willing to meet a lightweight fighter and tell him to his face that he should not dare to be a professional fighter because he’s testosterone deficient and too small to be a combat athlete and that he can’t punch for shit if we were to find one in the DC area, or someone willing to travel to meet you face to face?