American Indian Cull

Wow, good work and all that. I don’t suppose there’s much more to say, really.

Good work; I especially like the Native Americans = ETs part. That’s the craziest thing I’ve read all day.

I would imagine there are some veterans who would be more than happy to champion the crusade against this guy…

EDIT: "In June of the same year, he reported to the Air Force Academy but by May 1959, he left after problems with excessive masturbation. "

Is that seriously part of his “official biography”???

Good write-up

Soke = nuff said.

LOL I must be in the wrong business. Next to starting his own religion this guy has got his cash flow problem worked out, if his “authorized biography” is to be believed. It always amazes me what people can be persuaded to believe.

Well done good research

Very good write up. Another fraud debunked!

Excellent job, Olorin. Funny stuff, so outrageous. I appreciate the time and effort that went into this.

Excellent research. He’s been spreading his bullshido for a long time now.

Gooks = Tiawanese?

I understand not really proofing your book to make sure your stories actually follow a factual timeline, but come on, what kind of jackass gets his racial slurs confused?

My great-great grandma (an actual Cherokee) would have scalped this bitch. lol

Apparently Mr. Reagan didn’t feel that us pale faces stealing land away from the Indians was enough, he thought, “what the hell I’ll try to steal their culture as well and then repackage it for profit”


I love that ‘collector card’ thing, Kickcatcher! I’m almost tempted to make up a crappling style or some silliness just to be on one. Almost.

Good job investigating…One thing I find really strange is in his bio he said he was a rape survivour but yet he teaches sex ed ?? WTF

Olorin shall butcher his comps like pigs in the pen!

As a side note, is there anyone who lives in the area willing to take the free lesson?

After watching Rambo, I thought these part Native American warriors could jump out of planes without parachutes, take on the Oregon National Guard and the Spetsnaz. I get most of my unbiased information from movies. :icon_roll

I think this rivals Grand Celestial Do in terms of sheer comedy.

Another excellent punking article!