Here is the situation…
My Master put my number on a directory so that we can expand our advertising.
my ad says “TKD blah blah blah, TKD”. Now I have been in TKD now for about 7 years, and teach TKD to kids, however, I was never into the super traditional stuff nor the pure TKD stuff.
never good at the high flying kicks, my Korean sucks, so… i teach the more practical aspects. well timed round kick etc. every now and then i teach them how to throw low kicks, knees, elbows, and take downs.
We still call the class TKD because it is TKD based and TKD style sparring. (full padding, the works) with extreme emphasis on kicking and speed.
So, I got a call yesterday, some TKD purest calls. tells me he has trained under place Korean name here, and is looking for a good TKD/korean martial art school.
get this, he says most of his training is Tang Soo Do, he wants his son to try the martial arts, and is bent on taking korean martial arts only.
He then asks me about forms, or Poomsae. “I have used the Chun Ji forms, and im looking for a school who uses those forms”. (I am dumbfounded)
me-“we teach Taeguek forms…”
He then asks about weapons, i tell him we don’t do weapons.
he goes into talking about his korean master and how fuckin great he was.
now im thinking Korean weapons???
I end the conversation with telling him that the best possible way to answer all of his questions is for him and his son to try a week of classes free of charge, just to see if we have what he’s looking for.
So, my question…
am I bullshido for claiming that I teach TKD when I actually teach more practical TKD? (without the flying kicks, korean terminology, etc)
We still do other types of trad. stuff, such as bow to the flags, bow before a match, shake hands w/instructor etc.