All the way to stupid town

But is it effective?

Excised from: Differences Between Judo Ne Waza and BJJ Techniques? - No BS Martial Arts

Stick to technique in the technique forums SkipSmith.

It is not the art, but the combat that you enjoy…

War Wheel, you come straight out of a comic book.

Mr. White, suddenly I’d like to leave your island.

Sure, if you can…

…snatch the pebble from my hand.

Avoid, rather than check. Check, rather than hurt. Hurt, rather than maim. Maim, rather than kill. For all life is precious, nor can any be replaced.

Ya lost me.

So why is “Snow” a registered trademark? Is the white dancehall guy doing a duet with Ian Stuart?

Snow’s is a brand of clam chowder.
White chowder for New England!


A biker hanging out at the bar is wearing the usual ss bolt earing and thors hammer bandana, and my wife asks if white supremists are allowed to eat mexican food, or can they only eat hot dogs with mayo.

I thought it was funny.

Some of them are allowed to eat Mexicans.

And they poop out nazi lowriders.

Speaking of what to eat: you’ve got mail.

[quote=jnp;2134773]Excised from: Differences Between Judo Ne Waza and BJJ Techniques? - No BS Martial Arts

Stick to technique in the technique forums SkipSmith.[/quote]

The post I was replying to was technique-y enough for you?

Checked inbox. Doing pushups.

No, that ain’t me. I look like this