*Good Afternoon!
Due to the recent excitement that has spurred on our Academy I would like to Brief all interested parties…
Head Instructor: Sifu Courtney White
Certified Instructor in:
[B]Certified Instructor in[/B] [I]- Jun fan / Jeet Kune Do under <a href="http://www.inosanto.com/">Guru Dan Inosanto</a>[/I]
[B]Certified Instructor in[/B][I] - Filipino Kali / Escrima under Guru Dan Inosanto[/I]
[B]Certified Instructor in[/B][I] - CSW (Combat Submission Wrestling) under Sensei Erik Paulson[/I]
4. Certified Instructor in - STX (Savate, Muay Thai, Blend) under Sifu Johnathan Eusabio
5. Instructorship credentials in - Maphilindo Silat
6. Credentials in Machado / Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. Rank - Purple Belt
7. Sifu White Credentials - Currently training in Silat Tuo under Guru Cliff Stewart and Guru Santiago Dobles
Mr. Leonel R. Sanchez - Strength & Condtioning Specialist - Assistant Instructor HMAA
Crendentials In:
[B]Leonel R. Sanchez is a seriously dedicated martial artist that lives in Miami,FL and has trained with many of South Florida’s most talented Martial Artists.
[B]Learning Trajectory and Influences:[/B] [SIZE=1][B]2001 to Present Day [/B][/SIZE]
[B]Muay Thai Kickboxing[/B] - [U]Carroll's Training Center[/U] (CTC Gym) Head Trainer:[B] Kru Wesley Carroll[/B] (Sifu Dwight Woods Lineage)
Jeet Kune Do[/B] - <a href="http://www.unifiedmartialart.com/">Unified Martial Art Academy </a>- [B]Sifu Dwight Woods[/B] (Guru Dan Inosanto Lineage)
Shaolin Eagle Claw Kung Fu[/B] - <a href="http://www.winglungkungfu.com/">Wing Lung Kung Fu & Tai Chi Assoc. </a>- [B]Master Steven Chin[/B] (32nd Gen. Shaolin Disciple)
Wing Chun Kung Fu[/B] - [U]Authentic Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy[/U] - [B]Sifu Robert Smith[/B] (Moy Yat - Yip Man Lineage)
Chen Style Tai Chi Chuan[/B]- <a href="http://www.chentaijiinternational.com/">Chen Taiji Int'l </a>- [B]Dr. Robert Bacher[/B] -(19th Generation Wang Xi'an Lineage Chen Village, China)
Jun Fan / Jeet Kune Do, Filipino Kali, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu , Maphilindo Silat and Combat Submission Wrestling:[/B]
<a href="http://www.hybridmartialart.com/">Hybrid Martial Art Academy</a> - [B]Sifu Courtney White[/B] - (Dan Inosanto Lineage)[/B]
The rest of my background can be found on the HMAA website and at, the
[URL=“http://www.martialartsalmanac.com/”]Almanac of Martial Arts.
Warmest Regard,
Leonel R. Sanchez
Strength & Condtitioning Specialist
Hybrid Martial Arts, LLC.
P.S. I am personally preparing for 2 competitions…both this year. One in California, and the other in Mainland China.