[quote=Aesopian;993508]Logged in citizens will notice that the Department of Homeland Security now has a link to a Torrent Tracker at the top of the forum.
Currently, I am seeding Functional Half Guard (669 MB) and a zip of all the Abhaya techniques (128 MB). Now is the time to get FHG, because this is the highest quality version and you’re not bound to Google Videos with it.
If you you’re not all a bunch of ungrateful leechers, I’ll continue to secure permissons to legally upload free instructionals.[/quote]
I see the download page, should excuse me I can download to seed?:eusa_thin
Please don’t be offended when I move our posts to the site’s trash bin. Like the stickie mentions, AGD should be nothing but pure and productive content concerning the technique in the original post. Not to mention, as it states on the main forum page, AGD is moderated with an iron fist.
Thanks, but because my English is not very good, some problems to understand not perfect, BBS’s rule is that I can’t get enough to download the level? I need to send some fighting techniques to get this level?