Adam has teh d34dly Ki bullets...

Whose should I be concerned with? Please be more specific.

And what is a ki bullet?

Why do you feel the need to Shit up the MABS forum?

If you’d read the stickies, you’d know it’s a sure way to get banned.

Are you taking part in some kind of retarded Trolling contest, first one banned wins?

Get a clue.

Stp Pstng Plz!

Cut out of:

I’m a little confused too. Are you threatening to murder him with your ki, or are you warning him that God Almighty will smite him for some kind of blasphemy with His “ki”?

If the former, you should:

A) Be sure that God actually wants to to murder some guy from t3h inn3rw3bz for a post you don’t like.


B) Actually posess some kind of ki power… Which we’re all going to agree is pretty unlikely.

If the latter, then comparing the unfettered Holy Might of the Omnipotent Creator of the Universe to the magick powerz that Japanophile LARPers believe that they posess is just pretty lame… :biblethum

You’ll have to forgive Adam, he’s a bit of an odd ball.
Read this post from him from Aiki web and tell me he’s not more than a little creepy. Warning kids steer clear.

Oh wow. You are above reproach but walk off the job because of a lawsuit?


Strange indeed.

Gosh, I’m glad he is looking out for the little guy (sic).


I think the consequences that I’d face are pretty clearly laid out in the thread.

BTW guys, ki-bullets don’t exist. Don’t be so gullible.

FFF, if you don’t want the forum slopped up, shut up.

One other thing, even for the jackasses, take that story to heart. You’ll never know how scary those accusations are until you’re in the middle of it. Take a look at the responses on the thread. People want a target. Don’t let yourself get in the same situation.

All right, show of hands guys. Who thought they did? Be honest…

OK, now, who thinks Aikido works?

I do, I do!!

Fuck off and die.

I was in the middle of a scary situation. I was accused of dealing drugs and smoking pot at work.

When everything was said and done the guy in charge apologized. His second in command apologized. The guy that accused me never looked me in the eye again.

It cost me 25 to prove my innocence and make them all look bad.

Then I quit. Not before but after I cleared my name.

Just cause you move out of state it doesn’t stop a lawsuit.


Oh, BTW, you ran so I know how that looks in my eyes.

Fuck off and die.[/quote]

Dude… Harsh.

I think he was just using self-deprecating humor. I thought it was funny. :laughing7

What right have we to pass judgement on a fellow human being.

I ask of you, what right have we to presume him innocent?

IsItFake, me too. I was accused of sexual assault in an attempt to get me kicked off a tour.
Only instead of running away I dug in, fought it, cleared my name.
Some men run, some men fight.

And I think he should go play in traffic regardless. ^^
I’m such a nice person.

No way. Then what am I moving for?

I like to believe I know a little something about women. This one was looking to get even and get some special treatment. I have the weak position. I gave her what she wanted. She’s walking around knowing that she beat me.

Moving has been in the works for months. This just came at the worst time. As for worrying about a lawsuit, I detailed that in the thread.

Either way, like I said before, I’m not losing sleep over whether people think I did wrong or not. Just take a lesson from it if you can.

ON the “me too”, that was self-deprecating. What, should I have spent the next week arguing that Aikido works?

nope, apologize for being stupid, and don’t post for a week, and people might forget.