According to Paul Vunak trapping range is the real deadly

YouTube - Speed Kills
In his other videos he calls anything else than trapping range “bs” and says he teaches the real street fighting, straight to trapping range and headbutting + elbowing
YouTube - Paul Vunak - Street Safe Intro
YouTube - Paul Vunak - Street Safe 2 intro

THAT is how you really fight he says.

A few issues with this:

Everything he shows starts from a right lead… Is that realistic street fighting?

He says you will get to the trap start position by eye jabbing the guy and he would block it in the trap position way…

If you don’t know the answer to that question, you should just step off the internets for awhile and go “like a line backer,” straight into the narrow end of the closest door.

You make no sense at all

You didn’t watch your own videos, and you don’t know anything about Bullshido’s mantra of having a resisting opponent at all, do you?

stop talking in riddles, you sound like mr myagi

I like the slow motion of the first technique. He slaps his own bicep while he elbows presumably to imitate the sound of impact, pro wrestling style… classic

I also found the slow motions funny because they make it look less impressive

I really have to vent, so I’m just gonna throw it out there. I CANT STAND HIS STYLE/PERSONALITY/BODY LANGUAGE ETC he’s such an obnoxious faggot, although I’m sure he can fight

well the one thing i noticed (especially in teh slow-mo) was that the lead punch after the initial trap looks incredibly weak.

I cant help but think that if he did a normal left jab, right cross it would be far more effective.

[quote=cam4276;2154479]well the one thing i noticed (especially in teh slow-mo) was that the lead punch after the initial trap looks incredibly weak.

I cant help but think that if he did a normal left jab, right cross it would be far more effective.[/quote]
the key to blitzin’ trapping demos seems to be sloppy slapping, but I’m no expert so

No comment RE: the actual content but I report laughter at seeing in the disclaimer to vid 1: “Do NOT attempt to practice the following techniques”.

I think Paul Vanuk has mental problems.

I’m not a big fan of the whole Jun Fan leading with the straight right all the friggin time demo.

I hate this compliant uke shit.

I do not need a a video to tell me that kneeing someone in the head, elbowing them in the temple, or soccer-kicking them in the nuts is effective. Nobody does.

His slap-fu entrances are laughable. A jab with a good high guard will do more with less margin for error for anyone who wants to enter clinching range (That’s what it REALLY is, Paul). Once you are in clinching range, muay thai and judo will show you how to REALLY hurt a guy. Because…you know…they actually DO it. Against people who…you know…resist.

So while I think there are some hella problems with some of Vunak’s material, not being tested against resisting opponents isn’t one of them. Every video ends with him or a student working the material in full sparring, usually with some progressive resistance leading up. I do think he over relies on the wc entries when simpler stuff would work better.

I blame Cocaine.


Too much WC, too much Gack, not enough sleep. Throw in a copy of “Terror At Ruby Ridge” and you’ve got a full-blown RBSD tweaker on your hands.

Lol I think that pretty much sums it up.

I’m not sure how old those videos are, but when I was doing some PFS stuff back in 06 the R.A.T. program (Rapid Assualt Tactics…yes fancy name!), didn’t include any trapping. It flowed something like this; interception/limb destruction to WC strait blast (yes…I know…), to Thai clinch, to knees, elbows, head butts, to some type of take down (usually a basic foot sweet or single/double leg), to ground and pound or transitioning to ground fighting/submissions.

Hell of a drug.

Wax on, shut the fuck up.

Don’t laugh, that’s probably the best advice he will ever give.

I didn’t watch too much, but he kept saying “don’t use this when someone cuts you off in traffic”. So what do I use when someone cuts me off? Where’s your Chun then?