hey, so i’ve been keeping a training blog, but as far as i can tell, no one’s reading it and for sure no one is commenting (which is if i am not mistaken a big part of the point of doing a blog in the first place.)
so i’m posting in this forum cause i would really welcome some input from you guys (not sure about asking the general population for input, there are too many morons for me to come out and ask them for comments.
would anyone know why i cant use this link and most others as well.
perhaps my computer settings?..
Training logs are in the BBC, you are not a supporting member, so you don’t have access.
i see…
but it’s not just here, the problem.
i’ll figure it out.
You need to donate $20 to become a supporting member to see that.
Blogs are going to eventually be viewable by the public, but only “postable” by supporting members. This will let supporting members essentially have their own webpages hosted here.