A Vanuatuan used me as a one night stand.

Pick a fight with the Maoris? In general, no, although I became extremely irritated by one and decided someone didn’t deserve such good dentistry and I would clout him in the mouth.

But a dear friend of mine is a Maori (she was in love with me, but I swiftly disabused her of that idea) and a cabinet maker I know is Maori and makes Tei aha and takes them to members of the priest class to be blessed.

Plus the first woman to try to pick me up was Maori: a very sexy schoolgirl. I didn’t understand what she wanted, but years later I do. If I was flexible enough, I’d kick myself.

Besides, members of the Pacific nations break hearts. A Vanuatuan used me as a one night stand. I FEEL VIOLATED!

i have one working in my garden while i…uhm…take care of his 18 year old daughter.

edit: oops forgot we are in mabs,plese let this thread go to ymas so i can abuse AS some more and also really can make fun of the system (’ LOLzers,fightingflowers!!!1!'drill)

I don’t feel abused by you Lebell as in
a) You aren’t funny
b) You blatantly ripped off a proper grappler (Gene Lebell) whom you can never hope to be as good as
c) You have never ONCE offered me a crepe and a spliff! (I would refuse the spliff, but it’s on principle, you twat headed dyke maintaining moon cookie scoffer)
d) You are Dutch, and accordingly Michael Caine has stated in the third Austin Powers Movie that he hates Holland. This is relevant because Michael Caine is the only cool Cockney that was, is or ever will be.

you should feel abused because:

A)you are retarded

B) you blatantly use a name for a physical condition you can only dream of getting to that level

C)you offered me a look at that disasterarea you call your face without warning me first or the use of a spiler (wtf were you thinking anyway?)

D) you are australian, which means you decend from criminal english, who in turn decend from criminal dutch caveman.
( yes we put the english on that island,we never assumed they could get smart enough to get off that island,sorry)

i like it how they do their warfaces before rugby matches and stuff.

ive only met one or two maori dudes, actually ne and a half…ghehe :wink:

  1. I am not “retarded”, I am disabled. Learn the difference.
  2. The grammar is too bad in this sentence…
  3. That picture is now 4, yes 4 years old.
  4. I am of DANISH descent… in fact the majority of Australians are the descendants of free settlers. Read “The Fatal Shore” to learn how the convict program was used to oppress the Irish, the Trade Unionists and nascent political parties and was established after the British lost their colonies in America to send convicts there.

I seriously want to gut you like a rainbow trout (yes that is a threat, but it’s only Lebell, what’s one ignorant Dutch scumbag more or less)

Now go stab yourself on a hypodermic in the Red Light District and die of AIDS. Incidentally, Australia invented that needle system, all the better for you junkies.

You were amusing, but now I will simply hit you with something heavy and leave.

oh AS…you should have just bowed your head and walked away.
you have been owned.

its ok, it will happen many more times in your life, and trying to babble about books and grammar isnt going to change anything about that…

Culled from:

You’re not funny enough in YMAS as it is now. I’m not going to give you another thread for you and Simio de Mayofuckhechangedhisnameagain to shit up.

Is this yet another Angry_Spastic cock tale thread? Please regail us with stories of your lost loves, almost made some, tummy rubbin’ times.

I call dibs!!!

I wonder if this reach 40 pages?

If I have any say in it:


ghey kata

Angry Spastic:

Living proof why eating your own feces is a really bad idea…

problem with maori chicks is that they hit 20 and then bloat outwards

Oi cunt face, don’t accuse me of something I’ve not contributed too.

Hello… You getting my message ?

Thank you.

I’m here!!! This is just going to be another disastrous thread so why don’t we share stories of ‘fat love’?

You start Retard spastic.

Ooooh I’d love to lick you all over…

Are you calling me fat?

id lick lily all over

and then flick her bean