A proposed communication with Phil Elmore

As stated, I LIKE Phil and respect his intelligence. I plan on writing a letter to Pax Baculum.

A sample could go like this

"Dear Phil Elmore,

I wrote to you a considerable while ago regarding the subject of Kungfoolss. Whereas the activities of this person are not worth the dirt under a decent man’s fingernails, it did establish communication and I found you to be civilised and practical. If you remember, I have cerebral palsy and Non-Verbal Learning Disorder.

I must commend you on your site, Pax Baculum and your concept of “martialism” and I have not read “Shorthand Empty Hand” but I will endeavour to get hold of a copy.

Please be advised if you ever make it to Australia I will be more than happy to introduce you to lots of people who could help you with your martial endeavours. Even though I have not met Jim Fung of Melbourne, his Wing Chun is EXCELLENT and he is by all accounts a pure gentleman. In my home town we have numerous martial artists and sportspeople who will welcome you in. I am more than prepared to use any force necessary to defend myself if attacked by a degenerate.

I support the right of Australians to keep weapons in their homes and I myself grew up around firearms on a small hobby farm, but I am not familiar with the use of firearms and would sooner shoot an opponent in their weapon arm, leg or gut. Firearms are also ILLEGAL in Australia to everyone except security guards, the police, the Army and farmers hunters and sports shooters and anyone carrying a gun through the Brisbane CBD would be shot almost immediately by the police.

I DO post on Bullshido a lot and I feel that they give you a hard time. Sometimes diplomacy is unsalvageable but I share your doctrine of Libertarianism.

Once again all the best and I hope this post finds you in good health.

Yours sincerely


AKA Angry Spastic"

There you have it. Should I send it?

No, and not just because you mentioned Kungfoolss in the opening sentence.

Think you can do better, Shumagorath? Be my guest.

I can do better by not wasting my time with Phil.

What would the point of sending it be? I mean, to what end would you be sending it?

what’s the thought process behind a post like this? what do you hope to accomplish, AS? this is essentially you asking phil on a date. what does it have to do with this subforum, which is devoted to fraud and BS in martial arts? and, broadly, why should anyone here care whether you make pals with phil or not? seriously? are you just hungry for attention? there’s got to be better ways of getting it.

Repeated for emphasis.

Incidentally, stop giving that guy free publicity, that is just what he wants.

Eee. I’m just trying to redirect Elmore’s good intentions into something else.

Oh god, here we go.

AS, if you want to open a dialogue with Phil, WHY would you post this on Bullshido?

It will be viewed as one of two things:

1.) You are trolling Phil, in an attempt to draw him into a dialogue, then nail him with his own logic. All of which would be posted here. I’m not saying you’d do this, but Phil will probably think so. He or some of his peeps still lurk here from time to time.

2.) You honestly believe Phil’s baloney. In which case, most bullshidoka will be happy to rip you a new one (or several).

IMO, you’ve already gotten off on the wrong foot.

AS ,

Will you share your meds ? What ever they have you on … is twisting your thought processes into weird multi-colored blobs of ooze …

look a bunny ,

:bunny: it must do aikido …

You should post at Pax. No, really! Bullshido doesn’t deserve your posts.

Well, I don’t anyway.

Hobos don’t deseve to die.

I am with Sam, unless you want to kill homeless folks. Then I would say go and seek professional help.

Finally, I am no longer a “voice in the wilderness” !!

I know. But it’s better than the alternative.

When I was a little boy, I thought the mind consisted of a gas out of which thoughts arose.

Trippy! :happy2:

Site rank of Bullshido (out of all websites on the Internet):


Site rank of Pax:


yeah, yeah… like that means anything. the top couple hundred is probably filled with, like, finger a dead dude’s butthole dot com and fan art of spock making out with naked lodoss elves.

do you have a link for that second one? just for research purposes.

if this doesn’t trollshido the thread… all hope is lost.

that’s fuckin hot… i mean, umm… there are some sick sick people on this intertron!

by the way, why is Dracula wearing a Starfleet uniform?