A polite discourse about grammar on BS

[QUOTE=danharr;2668093]Run on sentence okay granted but punctuation doesn’t change meaning so you eat shit and english is still english so play your games on someone elses dime. Hey look I used conjuntions to avoid punctuation I are smart all after…[/QUOTE]

bwahaahahaaahahaah…Oh shit, did you just say that?

[QUOTE=danharr;2668100]Actually in this case it doesn’t since no emotion is involved. I told the story of how I went form a Tate supporter to that of Rousey perfectly simple.[/QUOTE]

It’s an example. If I wanted to point out how its properties are different and how you’re full of shit then you would be wrong.

Just say you’re sorry and move on, you dipshit. You’re uselessly defending a point that you CLEARLY were wrong about. What the fuck is even the point of continuing to defend your shitty post that made no sense?

And what the fuck kind of argument is this? There’s “no emotion is involved” you don’t need to put periods in? I bet your mom wishes she had an abortion.

[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2668103]bwahaahahaaahahaah…Oh shit, did you just say that?[/QUOTE]

Yes now be honest I had a bit of satire at the end which you should’ve quote to be fair and to answer your earlier post. Aruguing with a mod is strangly exciting full of danger and intrigue will I get blocked from this post what will happen next? Suppose I should just go bungie jumping to get my thrills but bullshido is free.

[QUOTE=danharr;2668100]Actually in this case it doesn’t since no emotion is involved. I told the story of how I went form a Tate supporter to that of Rousey perfectly simple.[/QUOTE]
Oh, is that what you were trying to say? Wow, you really do suck at this.
or is it:

Oh. Is that what? You were trying to say “wow, you really suck at this?”

Yeah, you’re right. Punctuations don’t change the meaning.

[QUOTE=danharr;2668106]Yes now be honest I had a bit of satire at the end which you should’ve quote to be fair and to answer your earlier post. Aruguing with a mod is strangly exciting full of danger and intrigue will I get blocked from this post what will happen next? Suppose I should just go bungie jumping to get my thrills but bullshido is free.[/QUOTE]There’s also a thing called spell check little boy.

[QUOTE=danharr;2668097]No I’m not a crybaby he commented on my post and I commented back but oh yeah first rule of net trolling it’s okay for you guys but not me to respond back…[/QUOTE]
Who said it wasn’t ok for you to respond? I believe more than one of our posts asked you questions, which by design, invites a response from you.

You’re only allowed to use one conjunction per compound sentence by the way. So stringing 4 or 5 sentences together using conjunctions is still poor sentence structure.

Why all the distaste for periods. Have my black dot brethren wronged you in some way? Did they tie you up and cut you or something?

[QUOTE=Sirc;2668105]It’s an example. If I wanted to point out how its properties are different and how you’re full of shit then you would be wrong.

Just say you’re sorry and move on, you dipshit. You’re uselessly defending a point that you CLEARLY were wrong about. What the fuck is even the point of continuing to defend your shitty post that made no sense?

And what the fuck kind of argument is this? There’s “no emotion is involved” you don’t need to put periods in? I bet your mom wishes she had an abortion.[/QUOTE]

Well after all it’s not a grammer test so insulting my intelligence[SIZE=4]
[/SIZE] for not using proper punctiation is as bad as my actions were to begin with. Also I have nothing to aplogize for if you guys have a right to flame me then I have a right to post anything I want. Will a minor compromise on the subject suit you?

[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2668107]Oh, is that what you were trying to say? Wow, you really do suck at this.
or is it:

Oh. Is that what? You were trying to say “wow, you really suck at this?”

Yeah, you’re right. Punctuations don’t change the meaning.[/QUOTE]

yes thank you for making my point when trying to show emotion you need the punctuation.

[QUOTE=danharr;2668110]Well after all it’s not a grammer test so insulting my intellegence for not using proper punctiation is as bad as my actions were to begin with. Also I have nothing to aplogize for if you guys have a right to flame me then I have a right to post anything I want. Will a minor compromise on the subject suit you?[/QUOTE]No, you could’ve always admitted that you were being a bit incoherent with your sentence structure. So yes, low intelligence is where you have placed yourself.

[QUOTE=danharr;2668111]yes thank you for making my point when trying to show emotion you need the punctuation.[/QUOTE]
LOL. And which unambiguous emotion am I trying to show?

Removed from: http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?t=115127

Glad it was you. Apparently I’m not the reasonable one when it comes to this stuff.

[QUOTE=danharr;2668110]Well after all it’s not a grammer test so insulting my intelligence[SIZE=4]
[/SIZE] for not using proper punctiation is as bad as my actions were to begin with. Also I have nothing to aplogize for if you guys have a right to flame me then I have a right to post anything I want. Will a minor compromise on the subject suit you?[/QUOTE]

Now you’re just doing this borrowed identity bullshit where you’re trying to pretend that you are actually really intelligent because, “Hey look at me, I’m asking vaguely deep questions.”

No, it’s not a test of grammar. It’s a test of communications, you stupid piece of shit. Your minimum requirement on the internet in discussion is to have the slightest ability to convey your stupid point, which you absolutely did not do at all. So yes you failed that and failed at the only thing you’re required to do on the internet in a discussion forum. So yeah, keep your vague psuedo-intellectual bullshit yourself, you cockasaurus rex. There is no compromise. I never compromise.


I can’t wait until I go back to Judo to see the dojo flooded with mma guys who are “trying to round out their fight game.” It’s going to be hilariously awkward.

[QUOTE=Sirc;2668116]No, it’s not a test of grammar. It’s a test of communications, you stupid piece of shit. Your minimum requirement on the internet in discussion is to have the slightest ability to convey your stupid point, which you absolutely did not do at all. So yes, you failed that, and failed at the only thing you’re required to do on the internet in a discussion forum. So yeah, keep your vague psuedo-intellectual bullshit yourself, you cockasaurus rex. There is no compromise. I never compromise.[/QUOTE]
Fixed for proper punctuation.

Where did you go to school again Sirc?

[QUOTE=jnp;2668120]Fixed for proper punctuation.

Where did you go to school again Sirc?[/QUOTE]

No. Bad jnp! Bad, bad, bad, smart ass. Now sit. Good smart ass. Now stay.

The school of soft knocks and PCism.

[QUOTE=jnp;2668120]Fixed for proper punctuation.

Where did you go to school again Sirc?[/QUOTE]

I don’t really bother with really really really minor errors, those are going to occur no matter what. However, when you’re correcting all that, you’re just opening yourself to every douche in the world to come after you for every minor mistake. It’s not a big deal and the overall threshold for communications on my end has been met, so whatever.

[QUOTE=Sirc;2668126]I don’t really bother with really really really minor errors, those are going to occur no matter what. However, when you’re correcting all that, you’re just opening yourself to every douche in the world to come after you for every minor mistake. It’s not a big deal and the overall threshold for communications on my end has been met, so whatever.[/QUOTE]Semi coma bitch.

[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2668127]Semi coma, bitch.[/QUOTE]

See what I mean?