i am back from a long trip in the sonora mexican desert, investigating u.f.o.s and i have created a new martial art that i think i learned from the aliens that visited me in 1977 when i lived in laredo mexico. in fact i do remember having learned from one alien named xarted , the other one a grey his name is elohssa from dhu-x galaxy, the art has never been disclosed but it is far superior than wing chun or jujitsu, and bjj, and muay thigh . i am trainig now to join the us space program, and did at one time qualify for the astronaut program in houston, however because i wanted to be a cop, i could never make up my mind, the teachers i have from space will meet with me again this summer in the sonora desert to certify my in this marial art thats out of this world, humbly i remain your friend
Lawrence Lee?
Sifu Richard Guerra - No BS Martial Arts
This thread needs your attention.
hi , i am back too. i have been in the sonora mexican desert practicing a martial art from two grandmasters i cant tell you about them, it has to do with u.f.o/extra terristials that have been visiting the earth for over 3200 years the have visited some orf you but they laugh when they talk about you, especially the bjjs and muy thighs types out thre , oh and also the wing chun people, they dont laugh at them they are respected by them, so i will soon reveal this grewat martial art that is out of this world, i will select only a few people , you may contact me for an appt, and see if you can pass my scrict rules and regulations…
in response to a visiter to a SORYU KARATE CLASS I WAS SUPERVISING a woman by the name of georgette had contacted the school owner wing tsun instructor master jeff webb back in april, i was cordial and offered her a chair to sit and watch our training, it was only me and one of my students who has trained with me since 2005, she came at a bad time, yet i allowed her to watch, mr webb had told me that she indicated that she was looking for self-defense such as what to do against purse snatchers ect,ect. we were not training with weapons in that class although i do practice escrima, i did share with her incident that allmost cost me my life and how i survived the attack by a strret gang, i was seriously wounded and was in the icu for 4 days with two broken ribs and a collapsed left lung, they left me for dead in this street related attack, i was 50 years old at the time, however little did i know that she was a bullshido spy sent from a jujitsu school in san marcos texas in order to report her biased story about me, i have fought full contact bare knuckle karate from the 1960s to early 1980s and have fougt on the ground aswell in dojo wars from that era, her first question to me was if i had been in viet nam, and i was surprised with that question then i knew by her body language she was a liar and her intent was to make further harm to m e. i said yes, iwas in the navy, in the coastal waters of n. and so. viet nam. in order to make a fair judgement of my insruction it is best to see over a period of time the training, and to participate in class, the school does not belong to me, therefore it is not a SORYU KATARE DOJO, the student i was teaching is a sodan who was already warmed up, there was no need to take him ttru 30 min of exercise, he had plenty to work up a sweat, yes he was practicing 5 kata , but that does not mean that more kata makes your martial art better, yes he was out of breath, usually we train almost non- stop., i invite any of you to come and do kumite with me or my fellow associates any time, at our training place . our rules are simple you sign a realease of liability, and the rules are full contact bare knuckle the winner is the one who remains standing. i am 58 year5s old and thats no excuse from me to still fight, because i will and i can, even if it costs me my life i will never quit teaching those that want to learn from me. and this is not a business to me it is a way of life. SORYU ! OSU!
My student is a shodan in soryu karate, i do not teach for a living, i volunteer my knowledge to those that seek it, i do not sell belt programs, i am easy to find in central texas, i do not own a school, i have never had students pay for me to open martial art schools. I did not rank my self. I was never in a a program in the navy to lose weight i was 140 lbs in the navy, iwas in the o/i division in the navy its called operations/intelligence. I was not a seal. My medals to me were no mistake, i was never court martialed for any thing. I was manila high lined to the uss jouett off the coast of so. Vietnam, beause i was in subic bay naval station. I was told by other navy shipmates that we had some p.ow.s coming aboard the ship, and then transferred to the aircraft carriers in the area. We did search and rescue ops of downed us pilots in the gulf of tonkin. I saw them wounded and carried to sick bay. I was 19 or 20 years old at the time i was in the greatist shape of my life. Now chuck hardin hounded me evey day for 3 mo. Trying to get my social security number and trying to get a release of my confidential medical records, thats not your business nor any body elses business, how would you feel if i wanted your medical records? Or social security number? I served my country with honor and i am an american, if i have offended any members of the armed forces i hereby i do apologize to all. As for the pow net work they are under investigation seems they have inside help from the natl service records , and other veterans have filed complaints against them. And i as well have filed a lawsuit
Sifu Richard Guerra - No BS Martial Arts
Don’t get a temp ban spamming your “new” martial art. Go to your thread and answer questions. You are off topic. Oh and a liar.
You will start getting infractions.
What the hell are you rattling on about? This is obviously the wrong thread, the wrong forum, and may be a completely different internezts…
I’ll give you 48 hours to tell me where your above two posts should go or I am just going to move them to the YMAS forum and see who claims them.
Please kick his posts over to here. Rich already has his own thread.
Culled from:
and also:
Bullshido Community Rules and Standards of Conduct - No BS Martial Arts
That’s amazing! Say, what are the odds that an alien’s name spelled backwards is asshole?
One in 1.61803398874
[quote=jnp;2157554]That’s amazing! Say, what are the odds that an alien’s name spelled backwards is asshole?[/quote]I’d say they get higher the closer you get to Richard Guerra.
You are a lot closer to him than I am at this writing. Don’t look now, but there are Grey in your backyard with T-shirts that read: “Have I Seen Uranus?”
Hypergraphia is a sign of schizophrenia
That guy is the poster child.
I read the OP and thought this was going to be some of the funniest slapstick/satire since Diaries of an Undergraduate Wing Chunner, but someone actually posted this outside MABS?
Funny went all frowny. I have humor blueballs now. It’s like I got her panties down and there’s dangly bits.
marcusdbrutus, hilarious!
One of the most surreal 10 seconds in video history. Especially crappy footage of Tszyu reciting poetry at the end. The most bizarre thing is that Tszyu is actually capable of messing people up, and for some reason backs Lee up. I think someone had a gun to his head.
oops sorry i apologise, well guys please understand that i dont understand the thread posts and how to post them, i got confused, i type with one finger, and i hope i did not get your pantys in a knot, you guys come on you cant hate me that much. hey wheres my buddy zapruder, and all you texs bjj guys who have it out for me i MISS YOU HEY HOLLER AT. YOU TO SPARTA, REMEMBER THAT LAST FIGHT WE HAD IN SAN MARCOS TX, I REALLY BEAT YOU GOOD ME, FORGIVE ME GUYS I MISS ALL OF YOU.( HA,HA,HA,HA, ) COME ON HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR, JUST A MISTAKE