A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Qui-Gon Jinn battle Darth Maul

If you’re interested, try looking up some QiGong or Chi Gong therapy in your area. That is the most fun way (to me) to become more mindful and strong. Either classes in Qi Gong, or the direct therapy that can be compared to Reiki.


^^^ What?

Could you please provide me with links to this type of therapy? Furthermore, in your own words, how does it specifically help with pinched nervers, herniated disks and trigger points (contracted muscles and/or irritated fascia tissue.)

This is the PT forum. Please start your own thread proving these theories.

Qigong is very similar to Yoga but, it is usually taught with hippie Chi garbage. That is why it tends to not get respect.


Actually, the general skepticism forum would be better.

Culled from : I AM SCREWED (HELP, PLEASE) - No BS Martial Arts

Guess why?

Why do you need therapy?

Heltern, learn to read date stamps.

These threads are left to die in trollshido for good reason. I suggest you run off and play in newbietown and YMAS for a while before bringing your ass down here for a flaming.

Now it has been necro’ed can we all have a row about it?

Nooooooooo Bill Duff has stagnated my chi

He is so powerful!

What the fuck is it with people and their incapacity to see dates of the threads they resurrect? Mental impairment? Down? Television? WTF?

a few years ago, I was renovating a kitchen. In one of the walls was some remnants of newspaper-stuff can work its way in like that.

Anyhow, there was this letter to the editor about Jimmy Carter and I kind of felt like writing in…checks date “Hmmm 1977, guess not”