A funny thing happened on the way to gong fu training...

Use this: :ky:

See what I mean? Oy vey.

[quote=helmutlvx;2445544]You reach down to unholster your pistolero, a tumbleweed flies through the background before you realize it isn’t an indigenous plant to New Jersey.

Grasping nothing, you realize… YOUR GUN IS IN YOUR CAR!

Do you…

Try to go back for it?
Turn to page 89

Make a gun shape with your hand and hope for the best?
Turn to page 11

Or wet yourself?
Turn to page 2[/quote]

Page 69, I’m going to do it MacGyver style and make a gun out of a paper clip, rubber band, and a piece of gum.

So are you saying that you were on a cellphone while doing this? :icon_wink

Links to said studies please, I’d be interested in reading them.

Generally, insurance companies use the who-hit-who policy in assigning blame unless it can be clearly shown that the other person did something reckless to cause fault, so in this case, the assigned blame would be on the other fellow. So your assessment of his fault would be “correct”.

The reasonable thing to do would be to stop, assess what he was doing, if he was still idling pass but to give a little toot on the horn to make sure he saw before going around. Honestly, if the situation took 5 seconds, how could you tell he was idling? Perhaps he was trying to convince his son to not jump out of the passenger side to run into McDonald’s until he was fully parked :slight_smile:

And you, as a person shortcutting through a parking lot where there is a person actually trying to park, should not complain when someone has a brief delay in putting the car in reverse.

Alucard, is that you?

[quote=W. Rabbit;2445572]You’ve never heard someone use the term “training brother” or “training sister”?

Never called a friend “brother” or “sister”?

In a word NOPE.

The things I would do for my brother(or someone like a brother) do not extend to the things I would do for someone I roll with.


Maybe the truck was having trouble changing into gear and getting his angles right because after all it is a truck. Also trucks have alot of blind spots so it is hard for them to see and you should adjust accordingly. You could have killed someone driving like a maniac fish tailing in parking lots while driving at reasonable speed with aggressive percission all the while assuring your self by saying I am a gamer therefore an awesome driver nothing could possibly go wrong. You sound so arrogant, irresponsible and like you a trying to brag about your awesome car and awesome game inspired driving skills its really odd. Also who cares if you could have one a fight he could have had a gun or other weapon and killed you.

The funny thing is watching a guy admit he wasn’t fully aware blame someone else. It is funny that a couple people missed that small admission in his OP.

You sound so arrogant
This is funny on levels you do not understand. Pay attention to his point count rabbit.

If he did a fishtail afterward he was driving too fast. End of story. And thus driving like a dick.

I still can’t believe he calls his car Black Sunshine.

Well, it’s Rabbit so I do believe it, but still. What a complete penis.

A funny thing happened on the way to gong fu training…

I didn’t fight anyone.


I don’t know, but If I saw one of my younger training brothers do something like that, I might’ve MADE him apologize for driving like a nut and leave it at that. Obviously, the truck driver wanted an apology and I’m pretty sure one was owed.

Bigger than the guy or not, if you were my younger training brother, you’d be losing face to save his. It’s that simple. Being humbled is part of your training, too. Not saying anything doesn’t cut it all the time, man.

White Rabbit, an ex-race car driver turned thief was Hardcastle’s last case. White Rabbit as placed in the judge’s custody and together they are going after 200 cases that walked out of Hardcastle’s courtroom…

YouTube - Hardcastle and McCormick

well done on walking away but next time you need to bash the guy so that we can compare the effectiveness of both methods.
I will give you a week.

feeding story through the Asriel translator ™:

“I got pulled up for acting like a dick and I didn’t want the people who I lord it over at training to see me get my arse kicked so I acted nonchalantly while simultaneously soiling myself”

You think at first to turn to page 19, but a supernatural force blows through your bedroom and flips the pages.

Page 2:

In the face of seemingly unconquerable odds, you have decided to wet yourself and cry like a little baby. Your attackers stand over your trembling and soiled form, confident in the knowledge you’re a huge douchebag.

You have shamed and disrespected Rabbit Kung-fu.

You deserve nothing better than a coward’s death.


W.Rabbit sucks at life in so many different ways it’s hard to keep them all straight.

[quote=TheDingo;2445586]So are you saying that you were on a cellphone while doing this? :icon_wink

Links to said studies please, I’d be interested in reading them.

Honestly, if the situation took 5 seconds, how could you tell he was idling? Perhaps he was trying to convince his son to not jump out of the passenger side to run into McDonald’s until he was fully parked :slight_smile:

And you, as a person shortcutting through a parking lot where there is a person actually trying to park, should not complain when someone has a brief delay in putting the car in reverse.[/quote]

I am not really complaining about the situation in the lot…it was your typical “oh shit” moment and we were both at fault, me for not realizing his intention (he was paused long enough for me to slow, decide to pass, and continue on). What I found disturbing was being followed, blocked in, and harassed which is illegal in NJ (aggressively following someone with a vehicle after an “incident” is against the law here since 2008, in particular to deal with the state’s high incidence of road rage).

As a telecommunications employee I am routinely bombarded with company statistics on how many people are killed and horribly maimed each year due to cell-phone related accidents, for this reason, I do not answer the phone or text while driving unless there is an emergency.

Damn me, I can’t find the cell-phone/gamer study at the moment but there are many, many others related to it. I will dig more later.

Action video game play improves decision-making skills

Study: Video game play may improve eyesight

Video Gamers Make Good Surgeons: Docs Who Play 3 Hours A Week Make Fewer Surgical Errors

[quote=helmutlvx;2445669]You think at first to turn to page 19, but a supernatural force blows through your bedroom and flips the pages.

Page 2:

In the face of seemingly unconquerable odds, you have decided to wet yourself and cry like a little baby. Your attackers stand over your trembling and soiled form, confident in the knowledge you’re a huge douchebag.

You have shamed and disrespected Rabbit Kung-fu.

You deserve nothing better than a coward’s death.

THE END.[/quote]

Charles Bronson is disappointed.