I have a bit of a dilemma and I thought you guys could help so I brought it here. I have a choice of training at either G2 in Country Club Hills which is about 25 minutes away from me and reasonably priced or CFC which is about an hour away and insanely cheap.
G2 - Pros: Grappling based (which is more
powerful in mma), close, decent price, lots
of pro fighters, classes 6 days a week, high-
quality instruction.
Cons: No way to get there on public
transportation, not exactly cheap.
CFC - Pros: shidokan karate (excellent all-
around fighting system), incredibly cheap, full gym
access, can get there using CTA, great
Cons: Very far by car and bus/train.
For me, time is worth more than money.
Stick with the nearby MMA studio. The extra training costs will offset commuting expenses to some degree, anyway.
Thank you for the reply but therein lies the problem. I’m a 17 year old musician with no license living on the southeast side of Chicago. I’m gonna be paying for training from busking/gig money (which isn’t much). There are also no close mma gyms besides Miguel Torres’ place and he’s very expensive. These are really the only choices I have. Thank you for the speedy, thoughtful reply though.
I’m a musician who spent many a year on many a street corner. I know your pain.
Persevere. In addition, when I recommended the MMA gym, I was using the term interchangeably with your submission for consideration, G2.
I really don’t know anything about the place other than what you have just described, though it sounds like the better of the two options, to me.
[QUOTE=Marx;2530655]I have a bit of a dilemma and I thought you guys could help so I brought it here. I have a choice of training at either G2 in Country Club Hills which is about 25 minutes away from me and reasonably priced or CFC which is about an hour away and insanely cheap.
G2 - Pros: Grappling based (which is more
powerful in mma), close, decent price, lots
of pro fighters, classes 6 days a week, high-
quality instruction.
Cons: No way to get there on public
transportation, not exactly cheap.
CFC - Pros: shidokan karate (excellent all-
around fighting system), incredibly cheap, full gym
access, can get there using CTA, great
Cons: Very far by car and bus/train.
What do you guys think?[/QUOTE]
OMG the CTA? WTF? IMO I think your SOL maybe you should GFAJ.
Mate,I hate to say it,but Omegas right…( excuse me whilst I wash my mouth out ).
Sounds like most of your needs are being met by your busking,else you would already have a job ( unlike most of the musos’s I know ).
But the chance to train with a fighter of the calibre of Miguel Torres!!..
That’s gotta be worth flipping a burger or two.
[QUOTE=Rickko;2530685]But the chance to train with a fighter of the calibre of Miguel Torres!!..
That’s gotta be worth flipping a burger or two.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, this would’ve been a lot more helpful if you all would have just answered the question since you all know nothing of my situation but thanks for the replies anyway.
Mate,this is Newbietown,so I will be polite.
I have worked since the day I left home at 12 years old.
I have paid for my training & my bills since 14.
I am now 40 with a wife & & daughter who is 18 in June,both of whom I work to provide for.
Granted,I no longer earn minimum wage,but I have to work long hours on shitty jobs to make sure my training fees are covered.
I worked at mcdonalds at 14 whilst living in youth refuges to pay for my measley judo fees,& even shittier jobs later on to pay for my other martial arts training.
Those fees often took precedence to such basic staples as food & accomodation.
Be self righteous…When you can make me believe you want to chase a dream.
[QUOTE=Marx;2530690]Ha, how cute, a troll. But believe it or not, jobs are pretty hard to find for busy high school students in my area.[/QUOTE]
Not what I’m talking about asswipe. And this troll will drop you on your head in a second. I’m talking about communication skills. How are we supposed to know what all your initials mean? Assumption is mother of all fuck ups. So grow up kid.
[QUOTE=Marx;2530695]Yeah, this would’ve been a lot more helpful if you all would have just answered the question since you all know nothing of my situation but thanks for the replies anyway.[/QUOTE]Let me get this right, your question was answered, you didn’t like what you heard, and then you added this thing called context for your situation? When you didn’t get the reception you wanted this was your response?
[QUOTE=Marx;2530695]Yeah, this would’ve been a lot more helpful if you all would have just answered the question since you all know nothing of my situation but thanks for the replies anyway.[/QUOTE]
You make the assumption I actually give a rats ass about your situation.