A big surprise and very interesting

A big surprise and very interesting

Hello,everyone! Do you want to a big surprise? Do you want to happy?

Please have a look

Please wait 20 seconds, immediately appeared brilliant! :smiley:

You had better a male :unsure:


Thanks for stopping by.

Please feel free to die on your way out.

Or go tell MAP all about it…

What was it?

You silly goose …

MAP can’t even keep their servers up and running . There is no-one to tell most the time .

wtf? It’s just some stupid movie site. Why would someone post this all over bullshido?

Because they’re probably posting from Indonesia for a chicken nugget per day’s wages.

I wonder if they’ve got any vacancies…

You’ll work at the MacDonalds at Meadowhall serving happy meals to 14 year old chav mums and you’ll like it!!!:5bullwhip

There is a reason it’s known as Meadowhell…

Dude… I’ve voluntarily banned myself… it’s safer for everyone that way.
My wife would make me promise not to purposefully bait large groups of chavs, or she’d give make me go to the cinema.
Not worth going anymore.

I swear, the only people who go there aren’t from the area unless they work there. Too much bloody stress in one place, especially when the kids aren’t at school.

At least it will never be as bad as Hull’s Prince’s Quay. They’ve perfected the Chav/Gypsy hybrid. Scary.

Haven’t been to Hell in years, so couldn’t comment. Their nightclub called Position is cool though, 5 floors interlink with gantrees, be great for a paintball session.

Or for tossing off chavs.
wait… that’s not quite what I mean, is it?

Whatever floats your boat mate…

Is this a chatroom for shitty towns?

Hull is a complete shithole, and the inhabitants of Dundee are pond scum.

you know, binghamton sucks the biggest nut

I waited 20 seconds, give me my damn suprise.